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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 333

Chapter 333 

Theresa, trust me, there’s absolutely nothing happening between Thomas and Monica. I’ve looked into it. He blocked Monica before, and she probably found another way to reach out this time. He’s just going to check it out and then he’ll be right back,Susan reassured her

Theresa gave a faint smile and said to Susan, Susan, I’ve got a question for you.” 

Go ahead,Susan said

Theresa looked at her with a steady gaze and asked, Do you think Ben would have gone if he were in that situation?” 

Susan paused, taken aback

She wanted to reassure Theresa, but upon reflection, if it were Ben, he probably wouldn’t have paid attention to Monica

Susan fell silent.. 

Theresa smiled wryly and said, Ben would definitely put your feelings first.” 

Susan quickly interjected, There’s no proof that this ever happened, and really, it’s not something we can be certain about. I mean, we’re talking about a human life here.” 

Theresa shook her head. It’s not just about a life being at stake. He’s always had a thing for her, cared about her deeply from the very beginning.” 

Susan, taken aback, softly advised, Let’s not assume the worst just yet.” 

Theresa spoke with an unsettling calmness, almost mechanical. Susan, I need to brace for the worst. Hoping just sets me up for disappointment. If I expect nothing, I can handle whatever comes.” 

Theresa’s attitude left Susan at a loss for words

Susan softly reassured, I’ll stay here and wait with you for any updates.” 



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Chapter 333 

Theresa grinned and suggested, We shouldn’t bother waiting up since it was getting late. It’s time to hit 

the hay.” 

Theresa looked resolute, and Susan had no choice but to agree

The night grew deeper, enveloped in silence

Theresa, not wanting to disturb Susan, lay on her side motionless

On the bedside table was her phone

Theresa gazed intently at the screen, its darkness reflecting in her deepset eyes

If there were any news, Thomas would have messaged her

If Thomas didn’t reach out, it meant he was with Monica all along

Theresa waited quietly

An hour passed, then two, then three

She waited the whole night but didn’t hear from Thomas

At dawn, as the first rays of sunlight shone through. Theresa’s lips curved into a bitter smile

She knew Thomas’s heart always harbored someone else

Yet she chose to start the relationship, wanting to give herself a chance

Her decision was nothing short of a gamble

In the end, Theresa had lost her bet

Theresa,Susan called out softly

Startled for a moment, Theresa turned around to find Susan’s worried gaze upon her




Chapter 333 

A jolt went through Theresa’s heart. Youyou’ve been awake all this time?” 

Susan shook her head. How can I be at ease seeing you like this?” 

Upon hearing those words, Theresa couldn’t help but burst into laughter. But as her laughter echoed, tears started streaming down her face, blending her joy with a touch of sorrow


Last night, each afraid of disturbing the other, Theresa and Susan, though awake, had stayed still in the 

same position all night

A complex mix of emotions welled up in Theresa’s heart. Overcome by the moment, she spun around and embraced Susan with all her might

Theresa?Susan was a bit surprised

With a wide grin, Theresa leaned in and planted a big kiss on Susan’s cheek, chuckling, Forget about 

guys, you’re all I need.” 

Susan was struck dumb

She was just relieved that Ben wasn’t there. Otherwise, he’d be jealous for days

But seeing Theresa in good spirits, Susan relaxed a bit

Theresa flashed a confident smile. No worries about me. I’ve got guys lining up from coast to coast. If Thomas ever messes up, I’ll easily switch him out for someone way better.” 

Okay,Susan replied softly

Theresa didn’t stay long at the Landor residence. After bidding Susan goodbye with a smile, she left

Back in her own place, the bright smile on Theresa’s face vanished

A deep weariness filled her eyes

She placed her phone on the windowsill and sat down by the window


Emergency calls onlyM 

Chapter 333 

Despite everything, she was still waiting for an outcome

-But the call from Thomas never came



Instead, what she got was a piece of social news

Upon seeing the news alert on her computer, Theresa experienced a complex mix of emotions, hard to 


[In Dramatic Turnaround, Woman on Edge of Suicide Regains Will to Live After ExBoyfriend’s Heartfelt Intervention.

The news photo showed a man and a woman embracing each other on top of a high building

The woman, tears streaming down her face, was Monica

The man’s face was indistinct, but he was dressed in a white shirt, identical to the one Thomas had on when he stepped out

Theresa’s hand slowly clenched into a fist

Theresa mused, So, her ex shows up out of the blue, trying to sweep her off her feet? Looks like I’m the punchline in this joke.” 

Theresa, with an impassive face, quickly grabbed her phone and shot off a text

[Thomas, let’s end our contract. We’re done.

After sending the text, Theresa turned off her phone and went to sleep, burying her head under the 


She slept like a storm was raging inside her

If it weren’t for the loud knocking, she could have slept forever

The knocking was thunderous


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 333 

Theresa sat on her bed, a bit dazed

Then, memories flooded back

Thomas and Monica shared a passionate embrace before she sent the breakup text

Her first love affair had just ended

The knocking persisted

Theresa walked to the door and peered through the peephole

There she saw a frantic Thomas

Theresa stood silently

Honestly, she didn’t want to see Thomas at that moment


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