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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 344

Chapter 344 

In the office, Emma’s phone suddenly lit up

Seeing Eason’s name on the screen made her heart skip a beat

She swiftly unlocked her phone and opened the message

Then, she saw the message Eason had sent

Emma stared at the message, reading it over and over. Once she was certain she wasn’t mistaken, a lookof bewilderment washed over her face

Easonhad feelings for her

But how could that be possible

How could someone like her ever be liked by anyone

While thinking this, Emma couldn’t resist rereading the message

Her heart started to race

Eason confessed his liking for her

And he had even invited her to meet that very evening

Even though she found it hard to believe, it appeared to be the undeniable truth

Holding the phone, Emma’s hand began to shake slightly

7 p.m. tonight

The Orange Bistro

Should she go


Chapter 344 

Emma felt a mix of fear and panic, but also a sense of joy and sweetness

A myriad of emotions intertwined in her mind, trapping her in its midst

It was time to get off work

Emma, blending in with the flow of people leaving the office, had her head down, ready to leave

In the past, due to her introverted nature, people rarely approached her for a conversation

But today, several colleagues initiated conversations with her

Ms. Garcia, are you joining us for dinner tonight?” 

Emma, surprised by the attention, shook her head. Nono, I’m planning to go home.” 

So early? You’ve never joined our department’s gatherings before. Give us the honor today?another colleague said enthusiastically

Yeah, come on, just this once,others chimed in

Emma, a bit flustered, mumbled a few responses before making a quick escape

Her cab was already waiting downstairs

She quickly got into the cab

Once the car door closed, her anxious feelings began to settle

Although Emma was initially frightened by this unexpected warmth, a subtle hope started to bubble up 

within her

She could feel it

Their invitations stemmed from recognition, pot mockery or embarrassment

Did this mean she was occasionally likable after all



Emergency calls onlyM 

Chapter 344 

And Eason… 

Could it be that he truly liked her

Emma had preset her destination, and the taxi driver was about to start the car

Suddenly, Emma’s heart leaped, and she instructed hurriedly, Take me to the Orange Bistro, please.” 

The car started

Emma watched her flushed face reflected in the window, feeling her heartbeat quicken

She believed that someone like her wasn’t deserving of love or emotional happiness

But still, she couldn’t help wanting to go through with this

Even if it was just to tell Eason they weren’t suitable

She wanted to tell him in person

Emma arrived at the Orange Bistro

When she arrived, she happened to meet Penny at the entrance

Upon seeing Emma, Penny expressed surprise. Emma, what brings you here?” 

Penny looked at Emma, slightly taken aback

Today’s Emma seemed quite different from before

Had she not been watching the entrance, she might not have recognized her

Penny narrowed her eyes slightly

She hadn’t expected that the previously plump and plain woman, once spruced up, actually looked 

quite good


Emergency calls only MOFO 

Chapter 344 

Penny felt a twinge of jealousy, but quickly regained her composure

Despite Emma’s improved appearance, she remained someone not deemed worthy of serious consideration

Her brother wasn’t one to judge by appearances; he might be drawn to the girl he was supposed to meet today, known for her intelligence and beauty. But as for EmmaPenny was unconcerned

Eason’s standards were high. He wouldn’t fall for someone like Emma,thought Penny

IIEmma’s words faltered as panic set in

Why is Penny here?Emma wondered

How did you 

know my 

brother was dining here tonight?Penny asked with a smile

Emma grew even more panicked, her hands twisting nervously. I justjust” 

Ah,Penny said, as if she had just realized, still smiling. Has my brother already told you?” 

Youyou know too?Emma asked, her cheeks flushing

Penny chuckled lightly, but a hint of disdain flickered in her eyes

Could Emma, of all people, truly believe that her brother would be interested in her

Penny’s smile somehow became even more affable. Are you here to see my brother?” 

Emma, blushing, lowered her gaze. Has hehas he arrived?” 

He’s right inside,Penny said gently, Emma, you have to fight for your own happiness. I’m here to support you always.” 

Emma interpreted Penny’s words as encouragement to accept Eason’s advances

II’m not worthy of him,Emma murmured, head still bowed


Emergency calls onlyM 

Chapter 344 

Witnessing Emma’s timid demeanor, Penny felt even more disdain

If Eason ever fell for someone like Emma, Penny would eat her hat

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Penny’s smile became even more radiant as she spoke, You should at least give it a try, right? If not, it’s 

always best to clarify things.” 

Emma pursed her lips and nodded earnestly

With her condition, she couldn’t impose on others

She had feelings for Eason

Yet, she refused to be a burden to him

Emma lowered her gaze, feeling troubled but resolved

She was going to make things clear with Eason

Seeing Emma’s resolute stance, Penny gave a soft chuckle and urged, Go ahead then.” 

Alright,Emma agreed, and then she made her way inside

Emma walked into the restaurant, her figure gradually disappearing from view

A faint, elusive gleam appeared in Penny’s eyes

The timing was perfect; it was as if fate was on her side

The girl Eason was supposed to meet was from a distinguished family

A woman of her standing, even if smitten, would still have her pride

Should Emma create a disturbance, the arranged meeting would surely be spoiled

Summoning all her bravery, Emma entered the appointed private room



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