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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 349

Chapter 349 

The next day, as soon as Emma entered her office, she sensed something off in th looking at her

She thought, What’s going on?” 

Then Emma nervously checked her outfit. It seemed fine

Someone finally broke the silence, Ms. Garcia, bright and early this morning, so 

bouquet of flowers in your office.” 

Yeah, a huge bouquet of roses.” 

Who is it? Your boyfriend?” 

The questions came one after another

Emma was clueless


She hurried to her office to check

Indeed, there was a vibrant bouquet of roses

Emma also spotted a card

As she picked it up, her cheeks flushed with excitement

To the most beautiful girl, Eason.” 

The flowers were from Eason

Emma remembered what Eason said yesterday 


Chapter 349 

The next day, as soon as Emma entered her office, she sensed something off in the way everyone was looking at her

She thought, What’s going on?” 

Then Emma nervously checked her outfit. It seemed fine

Someone finally broke the silence, Ms. Garcia, bright and early this morning, someone dropped off a bouquet of flowers in your office.” 

Yeah, à huge bouquet of roses.” 

Who is it? Your boyfriend?” 

The questions came one after another

Emma was clueless


She hurried to her office to check

Indeed, there was a vibrant bouquet of roses

Emma also spotted a card

As she picked it up, her cheeks flushed with excitement

To the most beautiful girl, Eason.” 

The flowers were from Eason

Emma remembered what Eason said yesterday 


Chapter 349 

Was he really starting to pursue me?‘ 

Emma gazed at the bouquet, her heart racing relentlessly

Eason had completely swayed her emotions with just this bunch of flowers. Emma couldn’t focus at work all day

Just as she was beginning to regain her composure, as the workday drew to a close, Eason had someone deliver another bouquet of flowers

Again, it was a bunch of bright red roses

The brilliant hues appeared as though they were meant to be etched deep within Emma’s heart, casting a mesmerizing spell

Emma pursed her lips, holding the two bouquets, and she went to find Susan

Director Miller,Emma called

What’s up?Susan asked with a smile

Emma gently set the flowers aside and spoke in a hushed tone, Director Miller, could you have a word with Mr. Nicholas and kindly ask him to refrain from sending any more flowers?” 

Emma’s face didn’t look good, and Susan’s demeanor also took on a more serious tone. Don’t you like it? Is his pursuit causing you some trouble? If any, I can talk to him about it.” 

Susan thought to herself, While it’s not common for Eason to take a liking to someone, I would certainly intervene if his feelings were causing any discomfort for Emma.” 

Noit’s not that,Emma’s lips quivered slightly, I’m just not that good to be together with him.” 

Why do you hold such thoughts?Susan was puzzled

Emma hesitated for a moment before responding, Director Miller, you’re aware of my circumstances. It’s just that someone like me can’t really have regular relationship, you know? I mean, Mr. Nicholas seems to like me now, but what if he found out about my struggles with severe depression? Would he 


Chapter 349 

still feel the same way about me?” 

Susan looked steadily at Emma

Susan could tell that Emma had feelings for Eason too

However, due to Emma’s Illness, she was afraid to accept this affection

What a pity that was

Susan paused for a moment, speaking sincerely, You know, Emma, I don’t reckon Eason would lose Interest in you Just because you’re dealing with depression. If you’re not really into Eason, just give me the word, and I’ll step in to handle it. However, if you’ve got some feelings for him too, why not consider opening up to him? You might just find the outcome pleasantly surprising.” 

Emma’s lips trembled

Emma wanted to say she didn’t like Eason

Those few words, as burdensome as a ton of bricks, simply refused to escape her lips

Susan understood what Emma meant

How about this, Emma? Whether you like him or not, think about it for three days. If you really can’t face a relationship, tell me. I’ll explain it to Eason,Susan said

Susan had spoken to this extent, and after a moment of hesitation, Emma nodded in agreement

Day after day, the vibrant roses appeared on Emma’s desk like clockwork, morning and evening. The roses were beautiful and radiant

At first, Emma was shy, her heart fluttering

But as time passed, she felt increasingly overwhelmed by a sense of darkness

She contemplated, I’m such a terrible person. Deep down, I always knew I wasn’t cut out for relationships. But when Eason showed interest, I just couldn’t turn him away. Even knowing there was 



so despicable like me? Do I even have a right to exist in this world?‘ 

Deep into the night, after popping some pills, Emma hit the sack early

Those pills had a bit of a knockout punch

She was out like a light in no time

That night, Emma dreamed of a pitchblack cave

Lost in the darkness, she wandered on and on

After what felt like an eternity, she finally spotted a beam of light

She raced toward it, desperate to embrace its warmth

But as she clung to the light, darkness oozed from her, swallowing it whole

The world was left with nothing but that inky cave

Even that beam of light was now part of the darkness

Emma woke up in a panic

A sudden chill gripped her

So, she hugged herself tightly

She found herself lost in reverie once more. Eason is like a beacon in the dark, something I’ve always longed for. But no matter how bright that light, it never seems to light up my world. It’s as if my very presence dims it, dragging it into the shadows. How can someone be so powerless, so unworthy as


Staring at the slightly open window, a strong urge to jump from there overwhelmed her

She stood up in a daze and found herself on the windowsill without realizing it



Chapter 349 

The breeze fell good

Emma wondered if jumping would feel even better

Her feet had just touched the edge when a jarring sound snapped her back to reality

Emma suddenly jolted awake

She slowly made her way back to her room

Knowing her unstable state, she had installed an alarm on the windowsill

The moment she stepped on the edge, the house alarm would blare

Back in her room, she just sat on her bed, lost in thought

She really wanted to just jump

But she held back

In her life, while she may not have been particularly influential, there were still a handful of people who would deeply feel the loss of her absence

Emma tried to gather her strength

But for some reason, she just couldn’t muster any energy. 

She couldn’t die, but she didn’t want to live either

She lay in bed, not wanting to move or do anything

She just wanted to stay there quietly, forever

That day, Emma didn’t show up for work

An employee not coming to work wasn’t usually a big deal


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