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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 360

Chapter 360 

No way, I couldn’t just be taken away like that.” 

When Jeremy saw Emma, his eyes lit up

Desperately, he pleaded with Emma, Emma, help me out. Say something for me. I know you still care about me. You wouldn’t want to see me go to jail. Emma, trust me, once this is over, I’ll marry you right away. That’s been your dream, hasn’t it?” 

Jeremy was grasping at straws, babbling incoherently

Emma’s eyes flickered slightly, yet she walked toward Jeremy

Overjoyed, Jeremy exclaimed, Emma, you really do” 

Before he could finish his sentence, Emma raised her hand and delivered a slap, her face devoid of any emotion

Jeremy was dumbfounded

In disbelief, he looked at Emma, Youyou hit me?” 

Seeing his reaction, Emma felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction

With a detached tone, she said, You’ve had that slap coming for a long time, Jeremy. You’re paying for your own mistakes now. Let’s just leave it at this we’re done seeing each other.” 

With that, Emma turned and walked away

Eason glanced at Jeremy and then quickly followed Emma

Jeremy, still reluctant to give up, wanted to shout out something, but the police shoved him into the patrol car. 

On the street, Emma kept walking

She walked so fast and so purposefully as if walking was the most important thing in the world to her

Eason silently followed her, saying nothing

They walked all the way to the riverbank before Emma finally stopped

Eason stood beside her

Beyond the railing, below, the river rolled on relentlessly

Emma quietly watched for a while

It felt like all the darkness, fear, and helplessness of the past were being washed away with the river


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156% 09:49 

After a long moment, Emma turned to Eason and said. There’s something I’ve told you several times before. But now, want to say it again.” 

A bright light shone in Emma’s eyes as she spoke. Eason, thank you” 

Truh, thank you

1 never thought that Jeremy would actually face punishment

1 also never imagined that the past could really be left behind

This time. I knew Jeremy would definitely face the consequences he deserved

1 finally let go completely 

I’ve also said it several times already. No thanks needed,Eason remarked

Emma blinked with a hint of shyness and asked, Are you really sure you’re into me?” 

Eason paused for a moment

Looking at Emma’s slightly flushed face, he felt a stir in his heart

He thought to himself, I’m not entirely sure whether I like Emma or not

But Emmashe’s definitely someone special to me

Seeing her so vulnerable, I feel this strong urge to take care of her. The idea of her in any pain is unbearable. I want to give her the best of everything, all for the reward of her smile

Is this what liking someone is like

1 just don’t know.” 

Emma didn’t wait for Eason’s answer. She mustered up her courage, a bit shyly, Ifif you still like me, maybe we could…. give it a try?” 

Her voice grew softer, almost inaudible at the end

You meanEason doubted he heard her right 

Emma refused to repeat herself, blushing, Just think about it.” 

With that, she quickly slipped away

Eason watched her leave, feeling a strange emotion stirring within him

He thought, 1 am not sure what liking someone is like

But I am certain that I don’t want to leave Emma’s life just like that.” 

Chapter 360 

He kept thinking. Last night, it was the first night in days I slept alone

‘I thought I’d be happy to let go of a burden

But in reality, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep all night.‘ 

1 couldn’t help but worry if Emma brushed her teeth and washed her face properly


Would she be scared of sleeping alone

Would her illness suddenly come back

These emotions, wave after wave, flooded my heart all night

The next day, I couldn’t wait to see Emma

But I couldn’t find an excuse to meet her

5 09:49 

Thinking back to her saying she would sue Jeremy, I mobilized all my resources, investigated Jeremy, and reported him to the police

I thought to myself that once Jeremy got arrested, I’d use that as an excuse to meet Emma

But who would have thought when I followed the cops to Jeremy, I couldn’t believe Jeremy still dared to harass Emma.

At that moment of rage, I couldn’t even pinpoint why I was so furious

I wasn’t someone who liked to resort to violence, but something about Jeremy just made me want to punch him every time. I saw him

After the rage subsided, I felt an indescribable sense of relief

I was relieved that I got there in time

I was relieved that I stopped Jeremy

‘I was relieved that I didn’t let Emma fall into despair alone

Just when Emma had suggested we give it a try, I was thinking that if Emma and I parted ways, who would be there for her when she faced challenges? Who would comfort her if she became emotionally unstable again? Who would be there to hold her if her illness recurred?” 

Eason thought a lot

As he thought, he found his answer

Regardless of whether his feelings for Emma were love or not, there was no doubt he couldn’t let her go

Eason reached for his phone, wanting to call Emma and tell her he also thought they should really give it a try. 


Chapter 360 

Just then, his phone rang first

Eason answered the call

It was the police

55% 09:49 

Initially, Eason remained composed, but as moments passed, a wave of growing anger began to simmer in his eyes, subtly at first, then unmistakably intense

Half an hour later, at the police station, the officer, upon seeing Eason, promptly showed him Jeremy’s confession

Mr. Nicholas Jeremy confessed to his crimes. But he also revealed something else. He said, in this harassment case against Emma, he was just an accomplice, not the mastermind.” 

He’s lying,Eason said with a frosty tone

The cop replied. But he has no reason to lie. He confessed to more severe crimes before. This minor harassment case doesn’t even meet the criteria for a criminal offense. There’s no reason for him to lie about this.” 

Eason understood this, and so he looked gloomy

Eason thought, So, Jeremy showing up at the park that day wasn’t a coincidence, but an inevitability.” 

He continued to think, Indeed, for so many years, Emma hadn’t seen Jeremy

What made Jeremy show up out of the blue that day?” 

Eason, preoccupied with Emma’s mental state, had overlooked this crucial detail

Taking a deep breath, Eason asked, Who’s the mastermind?” 

The police shook their heads, He doesn’t know. The person contacted him over the phone.” 

The police kept saying. It sounded like a girl. She offered him one hundred thousand dollars to seduce Emma. Jeremy initially didn’t believe such luck could fall into his lap, but she transferred a twentythousanddollar deposit. That got his belief and eagerness to act.” 

The investigation confirms that twenty thousand dollars was indeed deposited into Jeremy’s bank account a few days 


However, tracing the transaction led to a dead end in a Swiss account, making further tracking impossible.” 


The mastermind remains a mystery, and it won’t be easy to uncover them.” 

The police detailed everything thoroughly

Eason’s pupils dilated sharply

Mr. Nicholas, did you think of something?the officer asked urgently. If you have any leads, please share them with us.” 

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Chapter 360 

155% 09:49 

Eason pursed his lips, and after a long pause, he said, Sorry, I have no leads. I’m just shocked” 

Yeah. Such a cautious person won’t be easily exposed Anyway, Mr. Nicholas, think it over once you’re home. Recall there’s anyone you suspect. Let us know immediately if you come up with any guesses 

Eason nodded and then left the police station 

Seated in his car, he was noticeably tense and his expression was as solemn as that of st 

His mind, however, churned with tumultuous thoughts 

1 remembered how Penny had suddenly messaged me that night, urging me to check my email 

That’s when I learned about Emma’s past and Jeremy’s existence

And the very next day, Jeremy actually showed up 

In hindsight, Jeremy’s appearance turned out to be a blessing 

If it weren’t for his unintentional provocation, Emma’s emotional breakthrough wouldn’t have happened softly 

But the person behind the scenes wasn’t benevolent 

Eason reflected on the events of that day, realizing that any slight misstep could have been fatal for Emma, potentially pushing her over the edge into a lifethreatening darkness 

Someone was out to harm Emma 

But who could it be

Emma, due to her illness, had been reclusive over the years. She’d hardly met anyone, let alone offended someone to such 

a vindictive extent 

1 was reluctant to even consider it 

But I had to admit 

The one pulling Jeremy’s strings could very likely be Penny 

Penny was the one who dug up all that information 

And Jeremy? Penny brought him into the picture too 

What on earth was she up to

What could Emma have possitily done to deserve such a twisted plot from her

Eason massaged his forehead lost in thought. After a moment of deep contemplation, the inhaled sharply and cafest Penny 

Chapter 360 

Penny was ecstatic when she got the call from Eason

Eason, you finallyHer voice was brimming with excitement

Penny,Eason cut her off sharply. Where are you?” 

I’m out shopping with friends,Penny responded cheerfully

Come home. I need to see you,” Eason stated

With that, Eason hung up

Holding her phone, Penny’s cheeks flushed

Penny thought, Eason had called me, wanting to meet me

Could it be that he felt the same way about me?‘ 

Shopping was the last thing on Penny’s mind then. She ditched her friends and rushed home as fast as she could

In the living room, Eason was lounging on the couch, his face showing no emotion

Eason,” Penny approached, attempting to take his hand

Eason swiftly avoided her touch. Sit across from me.” 

His tone was brusque, leaving Penny confused and concerned


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