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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 364

Chapter 364 

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At first, Susan just wanted to get Judith interested in gaming and played with her for a while

But Judith, who had never played games before, got hooked after giving it a try

That night, Susan watched Judith play at first, but eventually, Susan fell asleep unconsciously because she was so sleepy

I passed.Suddenly, a pleasantly surprised voice rang out

Susan was jolted awake

She looked up blankly and asked, What? What’s wrong?” 

Judith held the mobile phone and said happily. Susan, I was stuck on this level for an hour, but I finally managed to beat it

I can’t believe the game designer is so talented. Not only is she great at writing stories, but she also excels at creating difficult riddles. Let me tell you, that key prop is actually hidden” 

Judith was so excited

Susan was stunned

After a long time, she finally found an opportunity to speak

Aunt Judith, did you stay up all night?” 

Judith was stunned when she heard Susan’s question

She looked out of the window in a daze

Outside, the sky was already bright

Judith patted her head

What’s going on? It’s already dawn?she thought

She didn’t feel the passing of time at all

Judith coughed lightly and said, I don’t really mind staying up. I’m going to clear this level first.” 

Judith lowered her head and immersed herself back into the game again

Susan was speechless

She felt as if she had done something evil

She felt like she had gotten an innocent person hooked on the game

Oh god, if you want to blame someone, blame Eason

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Chapter 364 

It’s he who made me do this

Susan looked at Judith with guilt

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Once Judith had completed a level, Susan quickly removed her mobile phone and encouraged her to have breakfast. Then Susan coaxed her to go to sleep

When Susan asked Judith to sleep, Judith still looked reluctant

Judith had wanted to play the next level

She was eager to uncover the next level, as hints and clues from the previous level had piqued her curiosity

Unfortunately, Susan was staring at her, so she could only go to sleep obediently

Susan finally managed to make Judith sleep. She breathed a sigh of relief and left the room

Susan?Penny asked curiously, What’s” 

Susan smiled awkwardly and said, Nothing. I recommended a game to Aunt Judith and she played it all night, I was worried about her health, so I asked her to take a break and rest.” 

Penny nodded and was completely relaxed

She had been worried that Susan was here to speak up for Emma

But now it seemed 


the case

I’m leaving for the office first. Penny, please keep an eye on Aunt Judith. Remind her not to be too obsessed with the game,Susan said 

Okay,” Penny agreed with a smile

Judith didn’t wake up until the afternoon

She ate something and began to play games again

Seeing that Judith was so obsessed with the game, Penny couldn’t help being curious about it

After asking Judith for the game’s name, Penny also began to play it

She was eager to see Judith drive Emma away. Penny had planned to spend more time with Judith and use this opportunity to vaguely speak ill of Emma during these days

Penny had a good plan, but she got a bit addicted after playing this game for a while

As a result, her plan was dashed and both of them were addicted to the game

Susan visited the Nicholas family several times during these days


Chapter 364 

Every time she visited, what she saw were two women who were heavily addicted to games

Susan had no choice but to leave

The third day was approaching

Eason called her nervously. How’s it going? I’m going to bring Emma back for dinner tonight.” 

I’m not sure. I’ll do my best,” said Susan said helplessly

In the afternoon, Susan went to the Nicholas family in advance

Judith and Penny sat on the sofa, looking hopeless

What’s wrong?Susan couldn’t help but ask

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Judith could not help but look at Susan eagerly. Susan, this game only has seven levels available now. The eighth level has yet to be released. There are still plenty of puzzles to be solved,” 

Penny nodded heavily

This was a singleplayer 

le game

Usually, she would not play this type of game

Who would have thought that such a niche topic could be made into such a wonderful game

Playing this game made her feel like she was watching a great movie. 

Picture the annoyance you experience when watching a movie at its most exciting point, only to have it suddenly stop 

Penny and Judith felt the same way

Susan blinked and said, The eighth stage should be released next week.” 

Next week?Judith suddenly felt upset

She couldn’t even wait for an hour, let alone a week

Do you really want to know the details of the next level?Susan asked deliberately

Of course, this is the final stage of the adventure, and there are many puzzles to solve. For example, in the previous level of the tomb, where did the queen’s ghost go? And what is the purpose of that lamp, and Judith rattled on like she was familiar with every detail

This game featured different scenes at each level

Sometimes, it was an ancient tomb

Sometimes, it was a primeval forest


Chapter 364 

Sometimes, it was an ancient ship of the sea

They sounded like irrelevant to each other

But there were some vague clues that linked these scenes together

The seven levels revealed a vast backdrop. The secrets behind were beginning to show

Now they were suddenly told that they had to wait for another week before they could experience the next part of the story

This was too annoying

Susan blinked and said, I don’t know the answers to these questions, but there is one person who must know.” 

Who’s that?Judith was intrigued suddenly

The designer of the game, of course, Susan replied with a smile

Judith was suddenly discouraged. The game designer surely knows what’s next in the plot, but I can’t force her to tell me 

I think you might be able to do it,Susan said

What?Judith looked at Susan in confusion

Penny looked at Susan, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat. She had a bad feeling

Susan chuckled and said, Didn’t Eason tell you? The designer of the game is going to have dinner with us tonight.” 

Judith shook her head subconsciously. How is that possible? The person your brother is bringing home tonight isAs she spoke, Judith was stunned for a moment. She looked at Susan in surprise. The designer of this game is” 

Susan nodded with an innocent look. Don’t you know? It’s Emma.” 

Judith was stunned

Penny gritted her teeth and finally understood where the uneasiness came from

Penny thought that Susan just wanted to recommend a game to Judith

Penny never expected that Susan’s real purpose was like this

Susan put in so much effort just to help Emma


Penny couldn’t help but look gloomy

She clenched her fists secretly

Oh, Susan, why are you doing this to me?Penny thought

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Chapter 364 

Penny’s heart was filled with hatred, yet her voice remained gentle. So it’s Emma. It doesn’t surprise me. I’ve heard that those living with mental illness can often possess extraordinary gifts in certain areas. For example, many children with autism show extraordinary talents in a variety of fields. I’m sure Emma is the same as them.” 

What Penny said directly reminded Judith that Emma was suffering from severe depression

Judith suddenly looked sullen

She had to admit that Emma was a genius game designer, so what

Could this change the fact that Emma had depression

Susan knew what Judith was thinking. Susan said gently, Aunt Judith, given that Eason is in love with Emma, who is my colleague, it may be difficult for him to be objective when discussing her. Perhaps it would be better if you heard my opinion, as I have no personal feelings for her.” 

Penny felt more and more uneasy and subconsciously wanted to stop Susan from speaking further

But Judith listened to Susan and said thoughtfully, What you said makes sense. Susan, tell me, what kind of person Emma 


Susan smiled. I first contacted Emma when I was working on Starry Romance. I was so obsessed with the project that I asked her if I could buy the copyright. She just asked me not to reveal that the game was adapted from her novel, as she did not wish to become famous. I happily agreed.” 

As Susan spoke, Judith listened carefully

Susan had something to do with this matter and Judith was eager to learn more about Susan, despite Emma’s involvement 

in the situation

We encountered some difficulty later on,” Susan gently said. A similar game was released before us and the other party accused us of plagiarism. Unfortunately, they misled people, so we were met with a lot of criticism.” 

And then?Judith became nervous despite knowing that it was over

Susan softly said, Emma stood up for us. After completing her psychological treatment, the first thing she did was to announce the news of the original novel and remind everyone that our game had purchased the copyright. This put an end to the criticism

“Aunt Judith, Emma was going through a tough time herself during that time, but she stepped up for me. From that moment on, I knew that she was a very kindhearted person, Susan said slowly

Judith couldn’t help but feel a little dazed

Hearing what Susan said, she couldn’t help but change her opinion of Emma

Penny was angry with Susan for meddling in her business, but she said softly on the surface, Miss Garcia is indeed a very kindhearted person, but unfortunately, kindness is not always rewarded in this world.” 

What Penny said sounded true

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Chapter 364 

Judith’s eyes flickered slightly

Emma might be a good person, but it couldn’t change anything


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