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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 372

Chapter 372 

Stop, stop!Leo was annoyed. If you hit me again, I will leave!” 

Penelope looked at her once beloved son, feeling a mix of emotions she couldn’t quite describe

She returned the cane to Charlie, then spoke coldly, Leave? You shouldn’t have come back in the first place!” 

Penelope would rather never see Leo again than witness him in such a state

Mom, what are you saying!Leo looked at her in disbelief. If I don’t come back, won’t the Landor family be left without an 


Leo kept saying this matter, which darkened Penelope’s face

She raised her hand and slapped Leo hard

What are you doing. Mom?Leo stared at her wideeyed

Don’t you know what I’m doing?Penelope raised her hand again, ready to strike

Leo became annoyed as well

He grabbed Penelope’s hand, intending to strike back

However, the Landor family servants quickly restrained his hands

Leo had no choice but to endure several more slaps

Penelope’s strikes became even harsher

As she hit him, she resentfully said, You still want to strike back? You want to strike back!” 

Leo grew more and more furious, feeling resentful. But he was pinned down and unable to move. He had no choice but to allow his face to be beaten into a swollen mess

Isabella watched nearby, trembling with fear

She wasn’t as confident as Leo

At this moment, she sensed that something was definitely wrong

But she could not do anything

Hoping for a miracle, Isabella softly said, Penelope, Leo is also thinking of the Landor family’s wellbeing. Let’s talk calmly.” 

Penelope coldly glanced at Isabella and indifferently said, When did it become your turn to talk about the Landor family’s affairs?


Chapter 372 

Seeing Isabella made Penelope even angrier

She was deeply disappointed in Leo, very disappointed

She also knew that Leo had played a significant role in reaching this point in his life

But Penelope couldn’t help feeling that if it weren’t for Isabella, Leo would have merely caused some small trouble and lived under Ben’s oppression, leading an ordinary life

But Isabella had ignited Leo’s ambitions step by step, turning him into what he had become now

Mom, in the future, the only next generation of the Landor family will come from Isabella’s womb. When you speak to her, be a little more respectful,” Leo shouted 

Penelope’s face turned grim as she directly stated, Leo, I don’t know why you hold onto these completely unrealistic ideas, I just want to tell you one thing. You are no longer a part of the Landor family. The Landor family’s wealth has nothing to do with you in the past, present, or future.” 

Leo was dumbfounded. He couldn’t help but say, How can this be? Are you going to give the wealth to outsiders in the future?” 

Penelope’s expression darkened. That is not something you should be concerned about.” 

Leo didn’t believe it. He looked at Charlie and asked, Grandpa, are you just going to allow them to do as they please?” 

Charlie angrily glanced at him, then averted his gaze, not bothering to respond

After all, Leo was still his grandson

Previously, when he heard that Ben had called Leo back, Charlie had specifically come out to meet him

But now that they had met, Leo had destroyed the last bit of affection Charlie held for him

He thought, This foolish grandson, let whoever wants him have him. I can’t care less about him now

With Charlie remaining silent, Leo looked at this person and then that person, growing uneasy

He thought, Susan can’t even bear children, why don’t they beg me back? Thisthis couldn’t be possible!” 

Brother, how about this? Instead of 20 million dollars, you give me ten million dollars, and I’ll have my son adopted by you?Leo looked at Ben cautiously

Ben raised an eyebrow

Six million dollarsNo, no, no, 2 million dollars.” 

Ben continued to raise his eyebrows

Leo stomped his foot in frustration. One million dollars, I can’t go any lower! Brother, don’t put on airs. If you didn’t mean it, there was no need for you to call me here in the first place.” 


You idiotPenelope couldn’t help but kick him. Hen called you here because I wanted to see you. But now, it seems it would have been better not to see you at all!” 

This Leo was dumbfounded 

Penelope suppressed her anger and said coldly, I called you here to ask you something. Who helped you this time when you returned to Coraland?” 

Leo paused I don’t know” 

Don’t know?Penelope slapped him. On one hand, you want to come back and be part of the Landor family, but on the other hand, you’re helping outsiders scheme against your own family. Are you worthy of returning to the Landor family?” 

Leo fell genuinely wronged. I really don’t know!” 

Besides, Susan’s inability to have children was a fact 

He thought he was helping the Landor family carry on the family line

Penelope frowned at him

She knew her own son 

Based on Leo’s current state, he really didn’t know

No need to ask him. He probably really doesn’t knowBen said calmly

Leo hurriedly said, Ben, you understand me! I really don’t know. The person and I have only been in contact through email. . That person hasn’t revealed any personal information, I really don’t know who it is! At most, I can show you the emails.” 

Ben calmly said, No need.” 

If that per 

person could plan so many things behind the scenes, how could he leave any clues in a situation like this

Looking at the emails would be futile

Leo blinked and said, Then it’s your own choice not to look. Let’s just let this matter go,” Leo said eagerly. Then the 


The whole situation was very clear now. Ben didn’t expect that Leo would still consider such an idea

Ben rubbed his eyebrows and suddenly felt that it was a disgrace to argue with Leo

Without him doing anything, Leo had dug his own grave

Leo was not the person behind this incident

The person Ben really wanted to deal with was that person behind the scenes

As for Leo, he would be left to sink or swim


Chapter 377 

Ben knew very well that Leos future would not be a good one

Leo would have to experience the consequences of making the wrong choice

Ben remained calm, but Penelope couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed a broom and tried to drive Leo and Isabella out

Go, go, go, all of you get out of here” 

Mom, what are you doing? I’m your biological son YouLeo panicked and tried to reason with her

But Penelope’s broom showed no mercy, and with the help of the servants, Leo and Isabella were forcibly thrown out

Wait, wait” 

Leo continued to shout, but the heavy door slammed shut in front of him

Leo turned around and knocked on the door

However, soon enough, security guards came and dragged him away

Leo and Isabella were both thrown out at the entrance of the community

Leo was in a daze for a while before he came to his senses

He wondered if he really had no hope left

Isabella’s face was also extremely gloomy 

She had abandoned her parents for the big promises Leo made and traveled a long way to be with him. Now she got nothing 

No, I haven’t lost yet, Leo said in a daze, There must be a way, there must be a way.” 

But what way was there

Charlie refused to help him, and even his own mother looked at him with disdain

After being kicked out this time, Leo even felt like he could never truly connect with the Landor family again


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