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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 384

Chapter 384 

After ending the call, Judith was visibly distraught

Was that SusanEmson asked gently

Judith remained silent for a moment, seemingly making a tough decision

Then, with a soft voice, she said, Your sister is unde Bring her in 

She never wanted to drag Suun into this complica 

However, Susan was a person with strong convictions

Having come all the way here, the mint have made up her mind

Keeping Susan out, unaware of the actual situation, might put her in greater danger

Now, they had no choice but to involve her 

Though she had made this decision Judah face was filled with sorrow 

Eason sighed, a look of determination flashing in his eyes Calmly, be amured. Thon’t worry, I will presenet my sister 

Saying this, Eason stood up straight and walked out composedly 

Judith watched his retreating back wiping away her tears 

From now on, she couldn’t afford to cry anymore 

Susan was here, and as a mother, she needed to assume her responsibilities 

She had to protect her child at any cost 

Looking at the unconscious Alexander, Judith’s eyes reddened, but her expression hardened with reader

Previously, Judith had been cautious and restrained in many matters, considering Alcxander’s feelings 

However, she realized that while she was considerate of others, not everyone reciprocated that consideration 

Now that Susan had arrived, Judith was determined to stand firm


She could endure hardships herself, but she would not allow Susan to suffer any grievances


If shr.Judith but her lys, Alexander, then I must fight back

Tason soon and Susan and her group inside

On the way, Ben briefly introduced Thomas to them 


09:46 Mon, 8 Apr 

Chapter 384 

When Eason heard that Thomas was the doctor who had developed the medication, he was overjoyed, quickening his pace

Dr. Thomas,” Eason said with anticipation, Father has been in a coma without any sign of improvement. We are now relying on you.” 

The best doctors in Tonico had already been consulted

They had examined the situation repeatedly but failed to come up with a solution, leaving Eason feeling. somewhat hopeless

But now, with Thomas’s arrival, he saw a ray of hope

If Thomas could develop the previous medication, he might also find an antidote

Eason saw Thomas as his hope

Thomas, with a grave expression, immediately began examining the pale Alexander, not wasting


Judith, observing the situation, suddenly realized what was happening and looked at Susan anxiously. Susan, is this?” 

Yes, it’s him.Susan nodded. The medication from last time was developed by Dr. Thomas.” 

Judith’s eyes instantly lit up with hope

When Susan hadn’t immediately agreed earlier, Judith suspected that this doctor might not be easy to 


Initially, she and Eason had almost lost hope, but unexpectedly, Ben and Susan had brought the doctor with them this time

There was now real hope for Alexander

Judith tightly grasped Susan’s hand, saying nothing but conveying everything with that gesture

Thomas, focused solely on his task, began treating Alexander immediately

Judith and Eason placed their full trust in him, leaving Alexander’s treatment entirely in Thomas’s hands

Thomas took a blood sample and quickly headed to the research lab

Witnessing Thomas diving into his research so efficiently, Judith sighed in relief

She was about to say something to Susan when a gentle voice interrupted them


Judith’s expression changed in an instant

Susan narrowed her eyes slightly


Chapter 384 

Judith’s reaction seemed off

Taking a deep breath and forcing a smile, Judith turned and spoke. Ava, what brought you here?” 

Susan had already noticed the newcomer

Ava, the only sister of Alexander

It was said that the siblings grew up depending on each other, sharing a deep bond

Susan couldn’t comment on the depth of their relationship, but her mind immediately recalled Ava’s tearful interview at the hospital, which had confirmed Alexander’s poisoning

Her appearance in the media had destabilized the entire situation in Tonico

With this in mind, Susan’s gaze became more scrutinizing as she observed Ava

Although she was Alexander’s sister, it was still unclear whether she was a friend or a foc

Ava, with a smile on her face, spoke softly, Judith, how could I not come when Alexander is lying in the hospital bed? Plus, I heard that today, you suddenly allowed some unknown doctor to take full responsibility for Alexander’s condition?” 

Judith’s eyebrows twitched

Only half an hour had passed since Thomas arrived, and Ava had already shown up

Did she 

have informants in the hospital

As Judith pondered, Ava continued in her soft, gentle tone

“Judith, Alexander is only poisoned, not dead. The best doctors in all of Coraland are currently treating him. Why would you suddenly switch to an unknown doctor from nowhere? Are youwishing for him not to wake up?” 

Ava spoke softly, but her words were cutting and accusatory

Judith’s face immediately turned pale with anger

Eason, trying to console her, held her hand and coldly addressed Ava. Aunt, you’re not young anymore. Haven’t you learned what should and shouldn’t be said?” 

Ava stared at Eason in shock, seemingly in pain, clutching her chest as if she couldn’t believe Eason would speak to her like that

With a sorrowful expression, she accused. Eason! When my brother was awake, he loved you the most. Now, to ascend to the throne, are you so eager to see him dead?” 

Eason became furious. What nonsense are you spouting!” 

Ava seemed determined to expose what she believed was a conspiracy. You’re using an unknown doctor to hasten my brother’s death, so you can ascend the throne sooner. Eason, you always pretended not to 


Chapter 384 

care about the position, but you’ve harbored malicious intentions all along, plotting against my brother!” 

Her voice, filled with agitation, didn’t attempt to hide her volume, drawing the attention of everyone in the hospital

Eason, enraged, retorted. “The medication used last time was developed by Dr. Thomas! What’s wrong with letting him handle my father’s condition?” 

Ava frowned. You say it’s him, but should I just take your word for it? Who is this Dr. Thomas? I’ve never even heard his name. This poison has stumped all of Tonico’s doctors, but he supposedly has the 



She sneered sarcastically. Could it be that he was the one who poisoned Alexander?” 

Ava, like a rabid dog, lashed out at everyone

n responsible 

Ben, frowning, responded stoically. Dr. Thomas came with me. Are you implying that I am for the poisoning?” 

Ava, who had noticed Ben and Susan earlier but pretended she hadn’t, feigned surprise. Who are these two? Why are they allowed to freely enter the hospital? With Alexander in this condition, are you so eager to see him dead by allowing strangers access?” 


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