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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 221

Chapter 221 

Me and himIt’s impossible now,Whitney thought but said nothing

Ludwik had set his heart on getting engaged, and soon, he would be walking down the aisle with Elaine

And here she was, playing pretend with Bryce

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her phone. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Whitney pushed aside her thoughts and answered, Mr. Lutz” 

You might want to start getting used to calling me Brycetoday, okay?” 

His voice was smooth, with a hint of magnetism, and he chuckled. Are you at home? If you’re free, get ready. I’m sending someone to pick you up and take you to the bridal boutique. My mother has been on my case since dawn. I’m in a bit of a bind.” 

Whitney remembered he wanted to use the excuse of dress shopping to have Claire meet her

Even if she was not free, she had to make time. Thus, Whitney replied, Sure, I’ve just finished up here.” 

After hanging up, she put on her sunglasses for a bit of incognito before helping Taryn into the car. Taryn carefully hid the medicine deep in her shopping bag and bid her farewell

Whitney waited on the curb, and sure enough, Bryce’s car arrived swiftly

At the entrance of Banyan City’s largest bridal boutique, Whitney stepped inside to find Bryce’s tall figure waiting for her

He took her small purse and gently cradled her waist. The drive from your apartment was a long one. Must’ve been tiring, huh?” 

Whitney shook her head, her clear hazel eyes meeting his. Where’s your mother?” 

She’s too proud to come here early, even if she’s eager to see her future daughterinlaw.She’s probably still making circles on her way here.” 

He painted a vivid picture, and Whitney could not help but laugh. She could just picture the old lady being both a relic and a rascal, much like her own motherhappy or not, she was always childlike, often teasing Ludwik

Lost in thought, Whitney’s spirits dipped

Bryce observed the play of emotions across her face, as changeable as the June sky. He could almost guess what she was thinking. This little woman full of stories was moved by memories right now, and her every glance was both beautiful and captivating

Bryce had to admit that Whitney was drawing him in deeper and deeper, even without really 

Chapter 221 

doing much

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he took her hand, his eyes sparkling with joy. While we wait for her, shall we take a look around? This place isn’t just about wedding dresses; I’ve found some interesting things.” 

Whitney tried to withdraw her hand, but with his assistant behind them and the boutique manager close by, it was tough to do so without slighting him

So she played along. Interesting things? Like what?” 

Baby cribs.” 

He led her to a display by a large bay window

This bridal boutique was a onestopshop, offering not just baby cribs but also miniature pianos and a selection of cute baby clothes

Being a soontobe mother, Whitney’s gaze lingered on these items, chuckling. Mr. Lutz, how did you find such a wellstocked bridal boutique?” 

Bryce’s eyes twinkled. A recommendation. It is the biggest store, after all.” 

Let’s take a look at this crib,he said, pointing to a beautifully crafted little bed. It’s big enough for twins. Ask the baby if he likes it.” 

How would he answer?” 

Whitney was bemused, patting her round belly. Though her belly was large, her waist remained slender

Bryce’s gaze lingered on her waistline, deepening imperceptibly

He stepped closer, gracefully crouching down before her belly, and earnestly inquired, Little one, do you prefer blue or pink? Tell me, I’m all ears.” 

Whitney’s mouth twitched in helpless amusement. Mr. Lutz, stop it.” 

Didn’t I mention on the phone that you should call me Bryce today to avoid raising my mother’s suspicions? Why not practice now?” 

He looked up at her, eyebrow raised, and in that gaze, there was a focus that made Whitney blush and look away, embarrassed, I willlater.” 

Your Mommy is too shy. She won’t even say my name. So, have you decided?” 

He did not press her, but leaned into her belly as if listening intently

Whitney was skeptical, but then her belly actually moved

Bryce laughed heartily, pointing at her belly. Okay, I got it, blue it isa boy.” 

Whitney did not believe his nonsense, but his childlike charm made her smile, Mr. Lutz, please stand up.” 

Chapter 221 

Yeah, this does look a bit like a proposal,he joked

The assistant snickered, and the boutique manager lavished praise, Miss, you’re very lucky to have a boyfriend who’s always trying to make you smile.” 

Whitney awkwardly looked away, her peripheral vision catching sight of something that caused her entire body to stiffen

Following her gaze, Bryce saw the imposing figure of a man in the VIP area, his expression icy and cold

His eyes narrowed slightly, not surprised, and a hint of amusement lingered

Ludwik’s face was a mask of frost, his eyes like icy pools with flames of anger flickering within

He watched as Whitney and Bryce walked in hand in hand, browsing cribs, that bastard kneeling in front of her belly, speaking affectionately to his child, while she looked shy and flustered, playing the part of expectant parents shopping for their child

His hand in his pocket clenched into a fist, making a grinding sound

At that moment, he did not want to admit it, but his heart was painfully twitching

A sneer curled his lips as he saw the blush on her face that she could not hide fast enough upon seeing him

Was she that heartless? Allowing Bryce to play the father of her child, so eager to exhibit their illicit affection


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