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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 

Whitney closed her eyes, a wave of exhaustion washing over her as she lay back on the hospital bed

The test results were as expected; the medication from this morning was fine

She shook her head wryly, a mix of sorrow and helplessness in her gaze as she looked at Ludwik. You don’t believe a word I say, do you? That child is yours, and even if you don’t want 

it, at least don’t let Elaine harm it!” 

He did want his children; that was why he had brought her here. How could this damned woman understand his turmoil

Ms. Valentine, I’ve told you repeatedly that I would accept this child and raise it well. Why must you relentlessly accuse me?Elaine glided into the room with a soft grace, casting a glance at the man before her thinly veiled sarcasm hit its mark

Perhaps you’re just upset and taking it out on the staff? The surveillance and medication are both fine. Ludwik has been patient with you

Maybe you just want to leave, right? I heard your bestie cornered Felix last night inquiring about Bryce. You’re pretty concerned about him, aren’t you? Desperate to rush to his rescue?” 

Ludwik’s eyes turned frosty

So the claims about the medication and surveillance were all excuses

Of course, her thoughts were consumed with saving Bryce; how could she contentedly remain here

Drop that fantasy of running off with him,he snapped, releasing Whitney. Stay put and behave!” 

This is all her design; why can’t you see that? I don’t want to stay here because it’s dangerous. Everyone is out to get me, don’t you understand?Whitney said, grabbing his arm in desperation

Everyone is out to get you?Ludwik looked at her with disdain. It seems your paranoia is worsening.” 

He could not let go of her; from the moment she woke up, she had been unreasonable and aggressive

The doctor approached, speaking in hushed tones. Based on last night’s evaluation, Mr. Lippert, Ms. Valentine is indeed showing signs of depression. This can lead to paranoia, extreme unrest, and even aggression.” 

All the symptoms fit Whitney to a tee. Ludwik rubbed his temples, weary

Staying here only meant endless quarrels, bringing nothing but displeasure



Chapter 233 

He stood up and left the room, disappointment trailing behind him

Elaine quickly followed, trying to console him. Ludwik, don’t be angry. She’s sick, after all. I’m not even upset with her accusations. Maybe you should stop visiting for a while? Let her cool off; it might even be better for the baby. We have the surveillance, and we should trust the doctors.” 

Ludwik thought that perhaps he was a source of stress for her. That woman was impervious to reason and only fixated on Bryce

He stormed off

Elaine turned back to the ward, her face morphing into a cold smile as she taunted the disoriented Whitney, How does it feel to be seen as a depressed patient

Right now, he won’t believe a word you say, and why would he? I’m the kindhearted, gentle woman who gave a kidney to his mother, and I’m even accepting of his child. Poor thing, pregnant and powerless, trapped here and utterly alone. How does that feel?” 

Whitney’s breathing grew rapid, her hands clutching the bed sheets. Hindered by her pregnancy, she was almost defenseless. She despised her current vulnerability

You’re nearly finished,Elaine whispered cruelly. That medication from last nightit was indeed designed to induce premature birth, but it’s undetectable. And soon, both of you will die as you wish.” 

Elaine, you’ll get what’s coming to you. Do you think you can deceive everyone forever? If you don’t want anyone to know, don’t do it!Whitney retorted

Elaine paused for a moment, rattled by the veiled threat in Whitney’s words

Still trying to confuse the situation, even at death’s door. You’re locked in here, powerless to change anything.Elaine’s smile was casual as she walked out

Once the door closed, Whitney quickly looked up at the ceiling where the surveillance camera was situated. Sure enough, Elaine had turned it off during their conversation

The mention of the kidney transplant rang alarm bells in her mind

She jumped out of bed, rummaging through her coat for the watch Tiana had given her, having forgotten about it in the chaos of the previous night

With her phone confiscated and her whereabouts unknown, she needed to reach Tiana

After her recent attempt to reason with Ludwik, she had lost all hope; he was too trusting of Elaine to investigate anything. She would never find answers in him

Now, her last hope was to expose Elaine’s true face. Tiana must have made progress on that girl at the hospital

Holding the watch, her last card, she knew that every extra day she stayed put the child in greater danger. Damn Ludwik for his ignorance

Chapter 233 

She had to escape and expose Elaine’s sham kidney donation. Only then might Ludwik realize that her supposed depression was a ploy to harm her

Fiddling with the watch, Whitney finally caught a faint signal while hiding in the bathroom

At Tiana’s apartment, the signal from the watch broke the silence. Overjoyed, Tiana exclaimed, Whitney! Where are you? How are you?” 

Save me, Tiana. The baby is in danger. Ludwik doesn’t believe me. I need proof” 

But Whitney’s words cut out as the signal dropped

Tiana was frantic, scanning her computer for Whitney’s location. Once she had a rough idea, she grabbed her laptop and bolted out the door

Valerie called after her, Where are you going?” 

The girl from TriMed Hospital confessed everything. Elaine’s kidney donation was a sham, just as Whitney suspected. The organ transplanted into Natalie was sold by that girl, and I’ve got proof of a $300,000 payment to her from Dr. Horatio

All I need is evidence of Elaine’s dealings with Dr. Horatio, and the truth will be out

Whitney said there’s poison in Natalie’s system, causing organ failure. She’s kept quiet for her safety. Now, we’ll take this evidence to Ludwik, and the truth will come to light

He trusts Elaine because he can’t imagine someone harming another and then sacrificing their own kidney. But Elaine never donated, did she? Such a vile woman; it’s time to open that jerk’s eyes!” 

Valerie inhaled deeply. Looks like you’ve been silently working everything out. I’ve been worried about Whitney, pregnant and vulnerable, but thankfully, she’s been one step ahead.” 

If it were not for her carrying that jerk’s baby, she wouldn’t be so helpless against Elaine,Tiana said with a determined look in her eyes. I’m going to get that girl to safety right now and then rescue Whitney. The kid’s welfare is paramount! Once she’s free, and we have the evidence, we can negotiate terms with Ludwik!” 

Valerie frowned. If it were not for my fear that Ashton might tip Elaine off, I’d help, too. You have to be careful!” 


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