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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238 

As Whitney’s head collided with the rock, leaving her immobile, her desperate attempt to flee momentarily gave her assailant pause. His voice carried a chilling threat through the air as he said, Your child’s barely two pounds. It won’t survive this! You and yours have to die. Just accept your fate, and I might leave you a whole corpse.” 

With lips quivering, Whitney mustered a cold, trembling laugh. Summoning her last ounce of strength, she struggled to her feet and glanced behind her, only to see the raging sea, its waves ready to swallow everything whole

Despair and surrender gripped her faster than she would have believed possible

A twisted smile broke through her terror as she clutched her newborn, too tiny and still to comprehend the peril. Her eyes shimmered with a mosaic of light, tinged with the crimson of heartbreak. Then, all turned dark

I won’t let Elaine harm us, not even the slightest bit. I’m so sorry, my loveso sorry,she whispered to her child

Ludwik, Ludwik, Ludwik! I hate you! In this life and the next, I’ll never forgive you!” 

With those final words, she leaped backward, her frail body unfurling like a ribbon in the wind. Clinging to her precious baby, she closed her eyes in utter despair as her tears joined the boundless depths of the ocean below

Elaine’s voice echoed the sentiment, He never wanted this child. He could not bring himself to do it, so he let me do the dirty work.” 

He knew sending you to the sanitarium would mean the child would not last long under the strain,she sneered

Whitney had not believed her at first, but she could not dismiss the last call for help that went ignored by him

Elaine had gloated, He’s fleeing Banyan City tonight just to avoid you, to let me take care of the unwanted trouble.” 

Oh, baby, I was so wrong! My greatest mistake was hoping that man would have a shred of decency. His cruelty is beyond words

I’ll always be with you, never letting you fall into the hands of evil, suffering their torment. I love 


But I am filled with such hatred, such loathing. Even in death, I won’t rest until I’ve haunted that treacherous pair!These words were the last in her mind as the sea devoured her

The henchmen, stunned, rushed to the edge of the rocky precipice, peering down at the turbulent whitecapped waves below

Except for the howling wind, not even the sound of a body hitting the water reached their ears



Chapter 238 

Where is that bitch?Elaine approached through the darkness, her face alight with vicious joy at the thought of Whitney’s inescapable fate

Elaine!one of the men called out, his voice tinged with panic. She gave birthBut she jumped with the baby to keep us from taking it!” 

What?Elaine froze for a moment

Snapping back to reality, she ran to the cliff’s edge, her flashlight beam probing the depths. As she saw the height of the cliff, her lips curled into an involuntary smirk

Before her sneer could fully form, one of the men stepped on something soft and out of place among the rocks

What now?the leader barked at the alarmed underling

It’sanother baby! Alive or dead, I can’t tell!” 

How can that be?Elaine’s eyes widened in disbelief, rushing to where a small, bloodied bundle lay halfhidden beneath the rocks. The infant, still covered in blood, was so tiny and silent that it had gone unnoticed

What’s happening? You said she jumped with the child!Elaine’s voice trembled with unease

It’s true, she jumped with the baby in her arms. We all saw it. But how could there be another?A cold realization dawned on Elaine. Could Whitney have been carrying twins without knowing 


Did Ludwik know

Whether he knew or not, this child had to be disposed of. There could be no loose ends to 

threaten her future with Ludwik

Pick it up and throw it over,she commanded with chilling finality

As the henchman hesitated, Elaine’s phone rang. It was Jaxon. Elaine, something’s wrong. Mr. Lippert’s private plane has returned! It just landed on the sanitarium’s roof. He’s searching for Whitney.” 

What?Elaine’s face turned pale, her mind racing. She looked up to see a helicopter’s red light blinking in the distance

Wait!She felt a rush of panic. What if Ludwik had binoculars on that planè? They could not risk being seen now

She quickly instructed her men to lay the baby back down, then took a knife, sliced the infant’s fragile veins, and flung the blood toward the cliff’s edge, tossing the knife into the sea

Smear some of the fresh blood along the roadside. Quickly! Then erase any signs of a struggle and disappear!” 

After giving her orders Flaine called Ashton her voice hoarse with urgency. Ashton. Jaxon 

Chapter 238 

saved me. No need to come to the B&B anymore. I was worried about Whitney. I’m by the seaside, and I’ve found some unusual bloodstains. Notify Ludwik, fast!” 

Director, you can send the surveillance footage of Tiana rescuing Whitney to Mr. Lippert now!” 

Hanging up, Elaine squinted at the sea below, then at the helicopter drawing ever closer

Slowly, she raised her flashlight


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