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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 

Come on, how did you know she was pretty before I even mentioned it?” 

There was an awkward silence before Daniel, resting an elbow on the bar, rolled his eyes. You think I’m a gullible threeyearold kid, huh? A kidnapper, my foot. That was clearly a nurse with a crush on you!” 

Ludwik’s lips twitched, and he shot Daniel a sideeye without a word, casually adjusting his tie

Felix knew that Mr. Lippert fiddling with his tie was a sign he was relaxed. Daniel, the little goof, had not even suspected that the kidnapperwas his mom

With a chuckle, Felix teased, Danny, did you forget you’re actually three and a half and easy to fool?” 

Daniel’s mature composure took a hit. His chin jutted out in both embarrassment and defiance at the jab about his age

For some reason, Ludwik sneezed repeatedly

Daniel glanced over, showing slight concern with an indifferent tone, Roll up the car window for him, will ya? The old man’s getting weaker by the day.” 

Felix shivered, thinking, Danny, your dad just got back from an andrology checkup with your mom. He’s pretty sensitive to the word weak.” 

Sure enough, Ludwik’s face darkened, and he gave Daniel a sharp look. You’re awfully chatty today. Want me to throw you overboard?” 

Daniel clamped his mouth shut reluctantly

He sensed his old man was weighed down by worries today and not in high spirits. The sneezing had to be because someone was badmouthing him, right? He wanted to cheer him 

  1. up

Clearly, the fatherson duo was having a tense day, and his attempts to lighten the mood were not effective

Daniel huffed in frustration

Whitney parked her car, her phone buzzing with a new message

It was from Tiana. [Whitney?] 

She had called Tiana the night before using a new number, as her old number had been terminated three years ago. Was that why Tiana was too scared to pick up

Whitney felt an inexplicable surge of emotion and bit her lip as she read the message over and over. Tiana’s tone seemed so casual. But could she really be unaffected by everything

Chapter 250 

Whitney sniffled, ignoring another pressing call from Orion

She replied with a tremor in her fingers. [It’s me, Tiana. I’m back, and I need to see you today.

Then, she tucked her phone into her purse and walked with furrowed brows into the restaurant’s private dining room

Orion lounged in his chair, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the woman walking in

He gave her a onceover and whistled. Looking good, I see. Who knew you’d be such a knockout when not pregnant? My dive into the ocean three years ago to pull you aboard was worth it.” 

Keep your sleazy eyes to yourself, Orion.” 

Whitney sat down with a cool detachment

It was almost comical how she had jumped into the sea with Sammy in her arms, only for Orion to be out fishing on a yacht in Sea Bay at the same time. She had struggled in the cold waves for hours, and he probably saw her much earlier but only chose to rescue her when she was at death’s door

When she woke up, she immediately asked why he had bothered to save her at all

Orion had laughed with his crooked smile, revealing a longterm plan. Keeping you alive to use against Ludwik someday? That’s the sweetest deal ever.” 

Twisted, but true

Since Whitney’s return to the country, she had found that the Imperial Gem Corporation’s market value had plummeted by billions

In three years, Ludwik had driven the Lippert family to desperation. The massive corporation Orion had stolen from him had become the laughingstock of Banyan City. Orion was barely hanging on; without a new plan, he was headed for certain doom

Now, Orion eyed his lifeline and slid a contract across the table. Join Imperial Gem as a jewelry designer. The pay’s great; just follow my orders to snatch deals, and we’re golden.” 

Whitney was not naive and scoffed. So you want me as a human target? Just by sitting in Imperial Gem, I could ruffle some feathers, right?” 

Smart girl. Why spell it out when you know the score? Don’t you want to crush Ludwik with your own hands?” 

Orion smirked. You have no choice. I saved your life three years ago, and this is your chance for payback. Ready to join me in gutting their empire?” 

Whitney’s eyes narrowed; his blatant manipulation was no secret

But why should she not play along

First, she could not refuse the offer. Second, she had returned with a desire to unsettle certain 



Chapter 250 

people, and this would be her platform to achieve just that

A wry smile played on her lips as she signed the contract without hesitation

Orion’s surprise turned into a boisterous laugh. He leaned in, his gesture intimate as he lifted her chin. I never realized you hated him so deeply. How about marrying me instead? I must admit, my brother had an eye for stunning women; you’re practically glowing.” 

Whitney jabbed his hand away with her pen, her disgust unhidden. I have zero interest in you. And I haven’t forgotten how you wronged my uncle.” 

Boring.Orion retracted his hand and settled back into his seat

Whitney’s lips twitched. Orion was indeed rotten to the core and oddly eccentric. He was, however, not cut out for business, or he would not have fallen so hard in three years

It wasn’t clear how much he cared for Imperial Gem, but his rakish, cavalier attitude was evident

Curiosity piqued, Whitney asked, Why do you hate him so much? Why go after him like this?” 

Orion’s eyes narrowed in resignation, Who wouldn’t want to be the carefree heir to a fortune? But the old man didn’t like him, didn’t want him as his successor. So I had to step up, had to make something of myself, beat him just once, right

But fuck, I’ve never won a single round. He’s been mired in mud since childhood while I’ve lived in luxury, yet the family elders only see his worth!” 

Whitney blinked, taken aback. Why didn’t your dad like him? Isn’t he his son too?” 

Orion paused, a twisted smile forming. Rumor has it Natalie wasn’t exactly faithful when she married my dad. Ludwik’s parentage has always been in question. The old man and Natalie had a terrible relationship, so naturally, he resented Ludwik by association. Guess who benefited? Me and my mom.” 

His schadenfreude was palpable, making Whitney frown

Natalie’s name tightened something in Whitney’s chest

But the Lippert family drama, that man’s issues, were no longer her concern

Why should she even care


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