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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 296

The provocation was unprecedented, leaving Adriel staring in disbelief at Daniel, who had never spoken up before.

A kid nearby caught on and snickered, "Adriel, Daniel called you a meatball and said you're as burnt as toast!"

Adriel, inheriting his mother's chubby cheeks, despised comments about his weight and complexion the most.

Fuming, he charged forward, "Daniel, you little orphan, looking for trouble? I'll turn you into a punching bag. Come on, guys, let's get him."

A group of kids circled around.

Sammy, cool as a cucumber amidst the chaos, flicked something from his pocket.

With a snap, he threw down some popping candy, startling everyone with the noise.

Then, taking a puff of his asthma inhaler just in case, he raised his fists, "I learned judo from my mom, taste this!"

Moments later, several kids lay defeated.

Adriel got the worst of it, nose bleeding, he ran off sobbing like a baby, "Teacher, teacher, Daniel's gone mad, hitting everyone!"

Sammy, unfazed, just smiled.

This was perfect, especially if it led to parents being called.

This was his chance to turn the tables on Elaine's scheme, having noticed her leaving with Jemima...

Some truths needed to be exposed, especially to his worthless dad, oblivious to his son's struggles.


Sammy's smile faded as he slipped behind the stairs, swiftly texting on his smartwatch.

In no time, Danny called back.

"Is mom not home yet?"

Danny replied, "I sneaked out of Everwood Villa Estate pretty quick, messaged mom too. She's probably still on her way back. What's going on, Sammy?"

Sammy recounted the morning's incident, where mom and the deadbeat dad had a run-in.

Danny gasped, "Does that mean one of us got exposed?"

"That's why I told you to go to the apartment, to comfort mom, and keep our secret from dad. If he finds out there's two of us, he'll try to take everything. Mom can't compete with his wealth."

Danny sighed, unable to believe they were discussing themselves as if they were objects.

Sammy, attempting to lighten the mood, shared, "Why can't mom and dad just get along and be a family? We're two adorable kids, they should consider themselves lucky to have us."

"... " Sammy couldn't help but feel Danny inherited their dad's arrogance and self-love.

"I dream of a complete family, not being laughed at in kindergarten for not looking like my stepmom and being called an orphan," Danny shared, feeling down.

Sammy comforted him, "Don't be negative, Danny! After some digging, I'm convinced dad once loved mom. And mom, despite never mentioning dad these past years, I've seen her cry in her sleep. They argue without listening to each other, harboring hate because of misunderstandings. They need us to play cupid and sort things out."

Danny lit up, "Sammy, are you finally on board with getting mom and dad back together?"

Sammy, reluctantly admitting, "I saw dad a bit pitiable today. There must've been some misunderstanding between him and mom. Plus, he seems to care about you. If there's been a scheme by some vile woman driving them apart, it's up to us to expose her. Once she's out of the picture, mom and dad can clear up their misunderstandings."


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