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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 306

In the executive office of Lutz Enterprises.

Bryce picked up the phone, and on the other end, the voice said, "Mr. Lutz, just spotted that after Elaine found out Ludwik headed to South City, she took off to South City with the kid."

"Uh-huh." Bryce responded, sinking deeper into his chair, his voice cool and composed, "Wait for my next instruction."

The reason he had suggested to Whitney to take Sammy to South City last night was his hunch that if Ludwik went, Elaine wouldn’t be far behind.

Bryce wanted those two kids together... his goal was for Elaine to find out.

Ludwik and Whitney alone in South City did worry him! But then, there was Elaine.

He was certain nothing would happen between Whitney and Ludwik.

The man pursed his lips, deep in thought.



Outside the grand ballroom of the summit, luxury cars lined up.

A sleek Bentley pulled up, and a pair of long legs emerged.

Ludwik, in a sharp black suit, made a striking appearance. His handsome profile and authoritative demeanor instantly captivated everyone around.

Among the dazzled gazes of the women, Elaine stepped out of a Maserati, heels clicking.

"Ludwik..." she called out softly.

Ludwik turned, his brows knitting at her unexpected presence, "What brings you to South City?"

"Danny was sick, and I was worried I couldn't handle it alone. He kept asking for daddy, so I had no choice but to bring him here to find you."

She approached him, her expression anxious. Ludwik noted her simple attire and bare face, obviously not dressed for the summit.

It didn't seem like an act.

His expression softened, concern in his voice, "Where's Danny now?"

"I’ve settled Danny in the hotel. Felix mentioned you had the summit to attend, and I didn’t want to disturb you..."

Elaine stepped aside, thoughtful as always.

Just then, an intrigued CEO asked, "Mr. Lippert, who might this lady be?"

Elaine, poised and graceful, remained silent, looking to Ludwik.

Ludwik, with a slight frown, eventually wrapped an arm around her waist and introduced her to the others, "This is my fiancée."

"The future Mrs. Lippert! I've heard much about Elaine," the CEO complimented.

Elaine smiled lightly, "Pleased to meet you."

"Since you're here, come on in with me."

With everyone watching, Ludwik couldn't send her away now.

"What about my outfit? Won’t I embarrass you?" Elaine asked with a gentle smile.

"You're the Bartels heiress, who would dare say you're a disgrace."

Ludwik, dead serious, took her by the wrist and led her inside.

Upon entering, they immediately became the center of attention, with Ludwik's undeniable charm and esteemed status in the business world evident to all.

Elaine’s lips curved in a proud smile, basking in the adulation, her eyes searching for Whitney with a hint of challenge.

Then, at the entrance, the room fell momentarily silent.


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