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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 314

"Shameless!" Whitney's eyes filled with tears, her voice quivering with outrage. How dare he demean her with physiological excuses after spending the night with her?

He was beyond a jerk, utterly despicable.

Perhaps sensing he'd gone too far, Ludwik frowned, gently grasping her hand in his, seeking some form of reconciliation.

His face twisted uncomfortably as he explained, "Look, we're both consenting adults. The police wouldn't see it as assault, you know that, right?"

"I didn't enjoy it one bit. You're terrible in bed! It was like being bitten by a mangy dog. I had no choice but to let it happen and now I'm worried I've caught something. I'm heading to the hospital for a check-up!"

Hearing the words "consenting adults" confirmed Whitney's suspicions that Ludwik was shirking responsibility.

Despite anticipating this, her heart still ached fiercely.

Of course, he was set on marrying his beloved Elaine, while she was merely a fleeting distraction.


A chill crept into her gaze.

Ludwik, faced with her biting sarcasm, saw his own face darken with anger.

What, she had the nerve to criticize his performance? And insinuate he was diseased? What did she take him for?

Rising abruptly, his frustration evident, Ludwik retorted bitterly, "Maybe I'm the one who should get checked. With your reputation, who knows how clean you are?"

Whitney froze, feeling as though her heart had been mercilessly torn apart.

She let out a hollow laugh, remembering just how venomous Ludwik's words could be.

With a cold smirk, she countered, "Disgusted by me yet you couldn't wait to get me into bed, over and over. Hypocrisy suits you perfectly, Mr. Lippert."

Silence fell as Ludwik's complexion turned stormy. "You provoked me first. Can't you speak without sarcasm?"

Was she always this intolerant of him? Aside from their night together, which admittedly shook him, she seemed perpetually armed with barbs.

He'd hoped last night might soften her stance, but clearly, he'd overestimated his charm.

"What's there to discuss with a man like you? I'll consider it a dog bite, but remember, this isn't over. Now, get out!"

As Whitney issued her command, Ludwik struggled to speak, his pride swallowing his words.

He wanted to make amends for last night, admitting his fault and open to any form of compensation she demanded.

Yet her disdain, as if she truly had been bitten by a dog, irked him deeply. Was his company that repulsive to her?

"Whitney, I'm giving you one chance to name your price, to make up for last night," he stated arrogantly.

As if she was some cheap fling! The nerve of him!

Rising, her robe tightly wrapped around her, Whitney stood tall at the bedside, her gaze mocking, "It was just a fling. I'm not the one clinging, Mr. Lippert. I move on, just like kicking a dog aside after it's served its purpose. After all, there might be younger, more vigorous options next time."

"Speak like that in my bed again, and you'll regret it!" Ludwik's jealousy flared, his grip tightening around her neck.


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