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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 330

Ludwik scoffed, "You think I believe you? I just quickly combed through the north side and dragged Mr. Percy over here for a little 'chat'."

He gave her a cold glance, "He denied it, said the kidnapping had nothing to do with settling personal scores with you. That's when I knew there was more to this."

"I checked the security footage from around the bridal boutique an hour before and after. I saw a black van leaving, and ten minutes later, another SUV headed south."

Maybe it was intuition, betting that this woman wouldn't harm the kids.

Ludwik followed the SUV's trail on the cameras to the south side, quickly deployed a K-9 unit, and found his son's scent.

Caught the kidnapper completely off guard.

Whitney was slightly taken aback. Ludwik had all these resources at his disposal, and the kidnapper stood no chance against him!

But he just wouldn't pin any suspicions on Elaine.

It seemed Elaine's deceitful facade hadn't been exposed in front of him yet.

No rush, Whitney thought. She would make this jerk see the woman's true colors step by step.

Then she'd leave with her two sons, never to look back.

Whitney couldn't help but provoke him, "Since you've cleared Mr. Percy and me from the kidnapping, who do you think is after your son? Maybe it's time to dig deeper, see if your precious Elaine has anything to do with it."

"Like I need you to tell me that? One of the kidnappers got away, and I'm scouring the city for him. Whoever hurt my son will pay a thousandfold!"

"...Please, you're clueless, the real culprit is sleeping right by your side."

Whitney rolled her eyes.

Ludwik arrogantly took her hand, "My son, I'm more worried than you! Dream on if you think you can take him from me."

Oh, I already have, and you don't even know it.

Whitney simply walked past him, "Move, I want to see my son."

"...Am I not as good-looking as my son?" Ludwik frowned, baffled by her audacity, "What do you mean 'your son'? Have you ever taken care of him for even a day? Stay right there."

The only response he got was the sound of her firmly closing the door behind her.

Ludwik's face darkened as he heard Danny sweetly call out for his mommy inside, his frustration boiling over.

What kind of son had he raised? Had she ever fed you?

Inside the room, Danny was sitting up in bed, getting fluids through an IV. As Whitney approached, he hugged her tightly.

"Feeling better, Danny?"

"I'm okay, just some scratches. Nothing compared to what Sammy's going through, mommy...

Did you just go next door to confront Elaine? I saw them carrying her out."

Danny couldn't hide his glee, but then frowned, "But didn't you tell us to bide our time, that revenge is a dish best served cold? Why'd you lose your cool?"

"I'm not a saint; why should I wait?


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