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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 335

Under Ludwik's piercing gaze, Elaine, caught between loyalty to her father and self-preservation, decisively chose the latter.

Tears streaming down her face, she quickly distanced herself, sobbing, "I had nothing to do with it, Ludwik! It was all my father and Jaxon's doing. I was completely in the dark! Think about it, if I had known, would I have come to court today? I never imagined my father would get involved in something like this... But whether he hurt Keegan or not, that's for the police to confirm. After all, he's your father-in-law. You could have a word with the judge, and then maybe our pharmaceutical plant in Banyan City would be safe..."

"Is that how lightly you think power can be abused?" Ludwik looked at her with a mix of disappointment and suspicion. "The Bartels family has really opened my eyes today. Your father claims he doesn't know Keegan, yet behind the scenes, he's been pulling every trick in the book to harm him? Just over Keegan, I fail to see why?"

"I... I don't know..." Elaine bit her lip hard, feigning ignorance. She couldn't let Ludwik catch on to the feud between the Bartels and the Tennyson families, nor the fact that Keegan's misguided revenge quest had once made Ludwik a scapegoat for the Bartels family.

"To speak so kindly of such a father, are you naive or just pretending to be virtuous?" Ludwik's harsh words stunned Elaine; he had never questioned her character so bluntly before.

As she stood there, lost and blinking back more tears, Delphine rushed to her side, immediately defending her daughter, "Ludwik, Elaine truly had no hand in Keegan's matter. Please, don't drag her into this. It was all me and her father's doing. Jaxon was his man, too. This child is exceptionally kind-hearted, or she wouldn't have donated a kidney to your mother. For three years, she's been nothing but devoted, tending to your home without concern for the outside world. If not for her father's deeds, at least don't let them cause you to doubt her..."

Delphine's eyes were brimming with tears as she spoke, pulling at Elaine and subtly signaling her.

Ludwik, his aura one of sharp authority, responded, "It's not that I refuse to help, but there are laws to be followed. Breaking them comes with consequences, don't you agree, Delphine?"

"But Ludwik, can't you do this one favor for me..." Elaine began, only to be cut off.

With a cold turn, Ludwik left without further conversation.

Elaine, furious, felt like she could spit blood, her face contorting as she stomped her foot.

"Ludwik, such a man of black-and-white morality, is truly impervious. He wouldn't even give his in-laws the time of day."

Delphine was equally infuriated. Turning back, she saw Zane being taken away by the police, her face pale with defeat. "Your father being taken away, in exchange for your innocence, is worth it. We underestimated that wretch Whitney; it's why the Bartels Group is in such dire straits now. You must make Ludwik believe you were unaware. Secure his trust, and only then will our position in your father's house be stable. That witch Whitney has really put us through the wringer this time. With the lawsuit, our pharmaceutical plant in Banyan City is as good as gone!"

Elaine's face turned ghostly white, realizing her mother was using the Bartels Group to protect her. Clenching her teeth, she looked toward Whitney with resentment.

Whitney was looking right back at her, her expression cold, the corners of her mouth lifted in a mocking sneer, as if to ridicule her!

Elaine wanted nothing more than to tear her apart; that wretch had become like a cockroach over the past three years, always opposing her and now seeking revenge on the Bartels family. She could no longer afford to underestimate her.

Fuming, Elaine clenched her fists.


Outside the courthouse, Ludwik settled into the back seat of his sleek suit, his mood visibly dark.

Felix, sensing Mr. Lippert's gloom, quickly maneuvered to avoid the gathering reporters.

Suddenly, Ludwik, a cigarette between his lips, commanded, "Stop up ahead."

Just beyond was the courthouse's main exit. As Felix wondered why, he spotted Whitney helping Keegan out.

Catching Ludwik's gaze in the rearview mirror, Felix tactfully suggested, "Mr. Lippert, it seems Whitney didn't drive here. Her uncle looks to be in a tough spot. Perhaps we could offer her a lift?"

Ludwik flicked ash from his cigarette, his expression unyieldingly proud. "Let's wait for her to come over then."

With a twitch of his mouth, Felix didn't argue, inching the car forward slightly.

Whitney lifted her head toward the Bentley, letting Tiana support Keegan as she walked over in her sleek heels.

As she approached, Ludwik watched, then nonchalantly rolled down the window. Keegan's release on bail must have made it clear to her the influence at play...

Sure enough, she stopped by his car, looking down through the tinted glass to see him, her lips tightening.

"What, no ride home?" Ludwik asked, his tone laced with detached superiority.

"You parking here blocking the way is a problem, you know?" Whitney shot back.



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