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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 357

Whitney had been chasing Orion for days to print out a stack of papers and get them stamped with approvals across various state departments. As the deadline loomed, she had no choice but to make her appearance.

In the days leading up to this, Whitney had busied herself with numerous tasks. She'd called Danny, inquiring out of the blue if he'd prefer to live with her. She'd asked Yael to look into flight tickets and had also been on the hunt for potential partners for Skye Gem Ltd.

Holding the document, her mood was heavy; she knew its contents well. It was evidence Jarvis had gathered through the Gemstone Exhibit Project, damning enough to send Ludwik to jail.

With a heavy heart and furrowed brows, she arrived at Skyfaith's headquarters, where she was greeted by the general manager, a Mr. Turner.

"Ms. Valentine, please wait. Mr. Lippert isn't in the office right now; he's tied up in meetings all day," Mr. Turner informed her.

Working hard even on the eve of his wedding? What was Ludwik thinking?

After briefly stepping out, presumably for a phone call, Mr. Turner returned, offering Whitney a warm welcome and some tea. This was the first time she was being assisted by him; previously, someone else had taken care of her visits to Skyfaith.

"Mr. Lippert might not return until the evening. Ms. Valentine, since we have some time, would you like a tour of the areas open for visitation?"

Whitney raised an eyebrow in surprise. She wasn't exactly familiar with Skyfaith's inner workings.

Sensing her hesitation, Mr. Turner chuckled, "It's just more comfortable than waiting alone here."

Understanding his precaution against her wandering into restricted areas, Whitney nodded and followed him downstairs, not to a specific destination but rather to a lab-like area on the ground floor.

Skyfaith was renowned for its smart chip technology, a major source of Ludwik's wealth. Whitney had heard rumors of a new chip set to launch soon, coincidentally on the same day as Ludwik's wedding.

As they passed a lab, Mr. Turner pointed out, "This is where we're developing our latest Sharp-F Chip. Would you care to take a look inside?"

Hesitant due to the sensitive nature of the work, Whitney was about to decline when Mr. Turner suddenly leaned in, whispering, "Jarvis asked for a favor, a little sabotage."

Before she could react, she was pushed into the lab, the heavy door sealing behind her. Confused and trapped, Whitney realized something was amiss.

Minutes later, the door swung open, but Mr. Turner was nowhere to be seen. Whitney quickly made her way back to the elevator, piecing together the puzzle. This setup—was it Elaine's doing?

Back in the reception area, Mr. Turner confidently made a call, "Elaine, got footage of her in the Sharp-F Chip lab. Sending it over..."

Meanwhile, Felix informed Ludwik of Whitney's arrival, hinting at the urgency of her visit concerning the Gemstone Exhibit Project.

Ludwik, somewhat intoxicated but intrigued by the mention of his ex-wife, quickly made his way back to the office.

Upon entering his office, Whitney was struck by its imposing and meticulous layout, a reflection of Ludwik's personality. This visit wasn't for leisure; she was here on a mission.

The office was devoid of personal touches, indicating Ludwik's single-minded focus on work. Whitney prepared herself to face whatever came next, aware that the game of wits and wills was only just beginning.

Meticulous in his work habits, the man's fountain pens were a sight of obsessive orderliness, aligned perfectly on his desk, not a speck of dust in sight.

Whitney tiptoed closer, clutching her file folder, peering curiously at the drawers beneath the expansive oak desk...

Then, slipping on gloves, she gently pulled open a drawer, holding her breath. Swiftly, she slid 'the document' from her bag into the topmost drawer.

As she was about to shut it, footsteps thudded closer, the man's long strides elegant yet firm.

Was he back?!

Her hands trembled, her face paled, in a rush to push the drawer closed, she caught a glimpse of the doorknob turning.


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