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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 1026

The group members quickly looked at each other nervously before they followed the director to the nearby forest.

"Director, did we do something wrong?"

"Yes, please tell us. We can change..."

"Change?" the director sneered before he asked, "I have no faith that you can do that. I simply want to ask where Long Jie is."

"Well..." the members looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

"You didn't even show any mercy to Long Jie who created you. For the sake of your own benefit, you watched as she was hurt. Was it worth it?" the director asked as he looked at the four. "I've already heard about the shameful things you've done. The four of you don't need to stay around for the rest of filming. You can all return to where you came from."

As soon as the members heard this, they were shocked as they immediately tried to explain themselves, "Director, have you misunderstood something?"

"Misunderstood?" the director laughed. "Must I go into detail about what you did on the hotel rooftop?"

The four members froze...

"I'm letting you keep your pride by telling you to leave!" the director humphed. "Youngsters should maintain their bottom line. Even if you took drugs, you could have still been saved by showing some gratefulness, but..."

"...you guys chose to be ungrateful because of greed. I can't believe the four of you betrayed Long Jie just so you could stay on the show!"

"And I can't believe Long Jie actually tried to protect a bunch of ungrateful wenches!"

"My show has no place for you. Get lost!"

After speaking, the director turned to leave, but one of the members quickly grabbed onto his sleeve, "Director, we can't leave. If we leave, then everything we filmed, will go to waste."

"Waste? Haha, you guys think too highly of yourselves. Because of Long Jie, we slotted in scenes of you, here and there. But now, all we have to do is remove those scenes." After speaking, the director freed himself from the member's grip and returned to the set.

Meanwhile, the defeated group had no choice but to leave with their heads down!

Han Xiuche quickly heard about what happened. When he saw the group packing their things, he immediately asked, "What happened? Did you guys cause trouble when I took my eyes off you?"

"We're not sure what happened. The director somehow found out about us...so..."

"Let me go talk to the director," Han Xiuche immediately turned around. However, he was quickly stopped by the members.

"Forget it. If the matter gets blown up, it won't be of benefit to us. Besides, did you really not know about our secret...or did you purposely use it to hurt Long Jie?"

The four members weren't stupid. Long Jie had been forced to leave and their secret had been exposed. No matter how they thought about it, it seemed as though Han Xiuche was involved.

"By the way, why did Long Jie give her shares to you? What happened between the two of you? Also, did you deliberately expose our secret?""

The members were suspicious of the fact that Han Xiuche had suddenly been put in charge of Superstar Media, "Previously, you simply told us that Long Jie was tired and left us for you to manage. We thought Long Jie disliked us and didn't want to see us, but, according to the director, that doesn't seem to be the case."

Although these questions made Han Xiuche nervous, his expression remained calm.

"You guys must have misunderstood...Long Jie is honestly just tired. That's all."

The members wanted to ask further, but Han Xiuche quickly stopped them, "You guys will understand everything later. Let me first speak to the director about why he's sending you away."

At that moment, the members didn't have any faith in Han Xiuche. Unfortunately, they were at his mercy, so they could only wait to see how he'd handle things.

Han Xiuche couldn't understand the director's decision.


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