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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 1079

According to the Han Family's extent of shamelessness, would they give up so easily?

Because of the drama that was going on, the media closed in on the Han Family's members. Whether it was at the company or at their homes, there were traces of reporters everywhere.

On the surface, Han Jie appeared unaffected and was extremely friendly to the reporters, but, behind closed doors, he cursed them like crazy.

Moreover, whenever the reporters asked him questions, he responded with silence and a smile, not worried at all that Su Yu would present evidence in three days time.

During this time, Father Han called multiple times to check on the progress of the incident. He also ordered Han Jie to find those related to the matter and to keep their mouths shut, especially those that knew about his affair with his secretary; they couldn't let Su Yu find any evidence.

"Don't worry, father, I've already got a plan. I'll definitely keep the negative effects of this incident to a minimum."

In the end, Han Jie wasn't afraid of Su Yu revealing anything at all.

Even if she revealed something, he would be able to strike back straight away.

He had already given his stepmother's cousin a sum of cash and told the cousin's wife to fake a suicide and play the pity game. If she cried enough, everyone would eventually believe that her husband was innocent.

As long as Su Yu dared to act recklessly, he was ready to oppose her, regardless of the fact that she was his mother!


2 days passed since Su Yu's press conference, however Han Jie did not appear like he had the intention of responding.

No matter how people asked and probed or how they pressured him, he simply waved his hands and refused to reply or acted like he was being wronged. It was like he was trying to say that Su Yu was his mother and he would never hurt her and even if she hurt him, he would not lose respect for her.

Han Jie was obviously very smart, unlike his impulsive brother, especially when it came to a matter where one wrong step could lead him to a bottomless abyss. After all, he knew that Su Yu could easily strike back if he made a response.

Because of this, Su Yu was put in a helpless position. So, she called Tangning for help, "What should I do now? The Han Family aren't admitting to anything, nor are they responding. Are we supposed to go ahead and reveal the evidence tomorrow?"

"Auntie Su, Han Jie is very smart and tricky, he knows that giving a response could lead to a face slap, so he's chosen to hide instead."

"What should we do now?"

"Reveal the evidence!"

"What if I reveal it and he refutes it?"

Tangning smiled at this question, "That's exactly what we want. Our first evidence is regarding Father Han's suspiciously shaking car. Han Jie will definitely deny it and try to prove that his father was elsewhere on the day. But, don't forget, we've already got Father Han's entire schedule from that day in our hands. As soon as Han Jie puts up an argument, we will be able to prove that he's lying."

So, Tangning's intent for releasing the evidence was not to prove the affair between Father Han and his secretary because it wasn't direct enough, instead, her intent was to provoke Han Jie for a response and expose him of his lies.

Tangning wanted the public to completely lose trust in Han Jie after their first battle.

Her first move was just a test, her true motive was what followed.

"I understand."


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