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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 1193

Because she had someone to go out on dates with, Qian Lan began to spend a bit more time on her appearance. This small change was quickly picked up by her family members.

In the end, Mother Qian curiously asked her older daughter, "Is Qian Lan seeing someone? She's been putting on a bit more makeup lately."

"I'm not sure," Qian Lan's older sister shook her head.

"You need to show more love and concern for your younger sister. Think about our status, what will we do if she ends up marrying a poor fellow?" Mother Qian said to her older daughter.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll keep an eye on Qian Lan."

"Qian Hui, I'm not asking for much, I just want Qian Lan to find a good man. That way, even if your father and I were to leave this world straight away, we'd be able to rest in peace."

Qian Hui smiled and comforted her mother, "Mom, don't worry, Qian Lan will definitely find her happiness."

"Secretly follow her a few times. If the man is of a low standard, immediately stop them before their feelings develop any further."

Qian Hui had no choice, she couldn't retaliate against her mother's nagging, so she replied, "Mom...I know what to do."

Back when Qian Lan first chose to teach at school instead of working for her family business, her parents were already against it. But, that was just a career decision, so it didn't matter too much whether she listened to them or not. However, this time, it involved a big part of her life, so it wasn't up to her to decide.

Qian Lan had no idea that her family was monitoring her every move. All she knew was, Mo Zichen was definitely the type of person that she liked.

Although Qian Lan grew up with helpers around the house, she was a mature and independent person with her own ideals. So, she knew exactly what she wanted and what she didn't want.

Therefore, Mo Zichen wasn't someone that she wanted to miss out on. Whether it was her life or her partner, as long as she came across something that she liked, she would do whatever she could to give it a try. But, of course, if Mo Zichen didn't like her, then that was a different story.

As they were both teachers, their free time was limited. But, there was a theater near the school, so it turned into an excuse for Qian Lan to meet with Mo Zichen again.

Although Mo Zichen found the theater quite lame, he was not annoyed by Qian Lan's invite, so he agreed to meet with her.

The two agreed to meet after class to watch the second screening for the day. However, Qian Lan had no idea that her family had arranged for someone to follow her.

But, of course, Mo Zichen noticed it straight away. They're stalking methods were so outdated that they couldn't even compare to the paparazzi that followed the Mo Family. It was obvious that they were amateurs.

But, Mo Zichen pretended that he didn't know a thing.

"There haven't been many good films lately, but this one has been trending, so I decided to buy a ticket for it," Qian Lan said as she handed Mo Zichen a ticket.

As soon as Mo Zichen looked at the film title, he couldn't help but laugh inside: it was a film produced by Hai Rui.

"Last time, I noticed you weren't really into the detective film, so I chose a sci-fi this time."

"OK," Mo Zichen remained calm and collected the entire time. To be exact, this was a part of his professionalism as an intelligence officer.

"Do you usually have any hobbies outside of class? For example, do you exercise or read any books?"

"I like sleeping," Mo Zichen replied honestly. He taught during the day and completed missions at night; this was very tiring. So, whenever he had spare time, he chose to catch up on sleep.

"It's fine, I'm quite a boring person too," Qian Lan laughed.

From a bystanders point of view, sparks didn't seem possible between the two, but for some reason, Qian Lan wanted to give Mo Zichen a try.

"The film's about to start, let's go inside," Mo Zichen suggested; he was getting a little annoyed by the person who was sneaking photos of them.


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