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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 1210


That night, Mo Zichen prepared a chicken soup and brought it to the hospital. But, when he arrived, he saw that Qian Lan’s colleagues were in her room, so he did not immediately go inside. Instead, he waited quietly outside.

“Qian Lan, I’ve been pursuing you for so many years, but you’ve always turned me down and said that you had a boyfriend. I thought you were using that as an excuse. I never thought it was real.”

“Now you can finally give up, right?”

Outside the room, Mo Zichen did not hear anything else except for this short exchange of words.

He even peered in to see the man and imprinted his face in his memory.

Soon, the colleagues stepped out of the hospital room. When they saw, Mo Zichen, they were quite surprised and a little embarrassed. It seemed, he may have heard their conversation.

“Let’s go, we still have a mission to complete.”

After the colleagues left, Mo Zichen finally entered the room with his chicken soup and placed it on top of Qian Lan’s bedside table.

“I heard everything they just said.”

“Huh?” Qian Lan was a little surprised. But, after a short moment, she realized what he was talking about, “Are you talking about the joke they made?”

“I’m glad you knew to reject him,” Mo Zichen said before he sat down in front of Qian Lan. After sitting down, he scooped a spoonful of the chicken soup and placed it against Qian Lan’s mouth.

“Everyone’s always known that I’ve had someone in my heart…” Qian Lan explained as she took a sip. “I’ve been looking at the same photo for 5 years.”

“You don’t need to look at it anymore,” Mo Zichen reminded.

“That photo used to be the thing that kept me mentally sane!”

Qian Lan smiled and took another sip of soup. Afterwards, she quickly fell asleep. At this time, Mo Zichen finally spotted the notebook she kept under her pillow. Inside the notebook was a photo.

Perhaps, she had taken it out of her notebook too many times. As a result, there were obvious fingerprints on two corners of the photo.

If this was really how she felt, why didn’t she look for him during the early days of her training?

After placing the photo back in its place, Mo Zichen tilted his head and looked at Qian Lan. She lay peacefully on the bed while her back was covered in injuries.

At this time, Mo Zichen sat down on a chair and started to think back on the last 5 years.

At first, Mo Zichen actually tried to wait for Qian Lan. After all, Tangning had told him that Qian Lan joined the military because she really liked him, that she desired growth because she wanted a future with him. At that time, Mo Zichen truly believed this.

So, he waited one year. He even visited her secretly at the base. But, apart from looking happy, the silly woman never once tried to leave and look for him.

After that, he waited another year, but the second year was exactly the same.

In fact, it continued into the third year, the fourth year, and even the fifth…

Mo Zichen waited so long, but each step only drove him deeper into disappointment. Yet, just as he made the decision to no longer wait, Qian Lan finally appeared.

However, the fire in his heart had already fizzled.

Like this, Mo Zichen sat in his chair until the middle of the night when Qian Lan woke up.

When Qian Lan opened her eyes, he finally asked a question that he always wanted to know the answer to, “If you’ve been looking at my photo for so many years, why didn’t you come looking for me?”

Qian Lan’s expression changed when she heard this…

“It’s been 5 years. No normal person would be able to wait that long. How did you expect me to wait for you?”


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