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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 139

After Cheng Tian's press conference was over, An Zihao organized for Tangning to go to a meeting at Her Vision. In the evening, An Zihao drove Tangning home.

"Although you have 3 days off...you should report to me before you go anywhere or do anything, so I can be prepared," An Zihao said as he turned to look at Tangning. "As for gossip, you've always shielded yourself well from it, so I won't say any more."

"I know what to do," Tangning nodded with her eyes closed. "Also, send Long Jie the flight number, I'll board the flight myself."

"Why?" An Zihao looked at Tangning questioningly before he appeared to have figured something out, "Do you want to bring someone else? No way, you are working. The probability of having photos taken is too high..."

Tangning opened her eyes to look at An Zihao without a word.

"Are you guys really that inseparable?"

"Yep, inseparable," Tangning replied with a slight smile.

"What exactly do you see in that man? If he really cares about you, how could he watch you get in trouble so many times and not help out?" An Zihao couldn't quite understand Tangning's persistence. To him, a man that relied on a woman was ridiculous. Especially in a glamorous industry that was so complex; if he truly understood Tangning, he wouldn't ride her coattail.

Tangning smiled as usual while Long Jie rolled her eyes in the backseat. She couldn't help but sneer inside, This is only because you don't know her husband is Mo Ting. Did you think a simple manager like yourself could see Big Boss as he pleases?

If you found out, you'd be terrified!

"We agreed not to interfere with my personal life."

An Zihao wanted to continue speaking, but Tangning's words were enough to shut him up as he nodded, "What else can I say?"

"What I'm doing, I'm clear, and the type of person I'm in love with, I am well aware." After speaking, Tangning was helped out of the van by Long Jie before she disappeared through the luxurious gates of Hyatt Regency.

Although Tangning explained things clearly, An Zihao still felt a man that depended on a woman was bad news.

However, Cheng Tian was now in a mess, so his main priority was to return to the office first to help Lan Xi clean things up...

"Tangning, are you really not planning to tell Manager An about Big Boss?" Long Jie asked with an expectant smile as she followed closely behind, "I really want to tell him."

Tangning opened the door to the villa and walked in. She smiled warmly as she breathed in the aromatic fragrance of dinner, "I don't completely trust him yet."

Long Jie also smelt the fragrance. Thinking of Big Boss' cooking, she began to salivate, "I want to eat too..."

"Then, let's eat together," Tangning didn't mind at all.

Although Long Jie didn't want to disturb the couple from having a moment to themselves, she couldn't resist the temptation of the alluring fragrance.

The trio sat at the dinner table. But, at this moment, Long Jie noticed Tangning ate something completely different. Long Jie was surprised, before she understood, "When the two of you have dinner, do you prepare two separate meals?"

"What did you think?" Tangning smiled. "Did you think I could eat the same thing as you guys? Don't I want to maintain my figure?"

"Wow...Big Boss sure is great..." Long Jie sucked up to Mo Ting by flattering him. Meanwhile, Mo Ting continued to look at his documents with a serious expression.

Tangning looked at Mo Ting as she instinctively removed the documents from his hands. It goes without saying, she was worried reading and eating would be bad for digestion.


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