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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 15

"Oh...you don't want to get married? Then we won't do it..." Tangning smiled, "Let's wait until you are no longer busy, we can talk about it later."

Like this, Han Yufan was flustered. He reached out his hand and placed it overbearingly onto Tangning's shoulder. With an angry look in his eyes, he asked,

"Do you not love me anymore?"

"What about you? Do you love me?" Tangning carefully slipped out of Han Yufan's grasp; she had promised Mo Ting she wasn't going to have physical contact with another man.

Han Yufan was stunned. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, because, towards Tangning, he had never had any feelings - he was only using her. He slowly relaxed his hands, "We are already at the stage of getting married, why would you question our love? You will become my wife soon, can't you think on my behalf? It wasn't easy for Yurou to be nominated for the Top Ten Model Awards. Tangning, I'm just annoyed that you can't be more understanding."

Tangning slowly distanced herself from Han Yufan.

She remained composed, "Then from now on, you may have to get used to how I am now." After their conversation, Tangning left Han Yufan standing there alone as she left the building.

Han Yufan was puzzled, he didn't understand why Tangning's attitude had changed so much. But, after careful thought, he assumed she was still jealous of him and Mo Yurou. However, he didn't have the energy to go coax her. After all, Mo Yurou was still in need of comforting and Tangning had never been one to make others worry. After her anger subsides, things will most likely go back to normal.

She's always been so useless, without any temper to even stick up for herself.

Tangning knew Han Yufan wasn't going to chase after her - her heart had already given up on him. Instead, she was quickly hurrying home to see Mo Ting. At the thought of Mo Ting, Tangning's heart felt like it was suddenly lit up by a bright light.

"Tangning, I'll take you home first so you can recharge your batteries. Tomorrow, we will be signing a contract for you to shoot on location," Long Jie said happily to Tangning.

"Long Jie, cancel the lease on your home and move over to my old home. Give my home a bit of life. You can change the locks as well. If Han Yufan asks, just say you have moved over to take care of me and it is no longer convenient for him to have the keys," Tangning suggested. "Tomorrow, I will sign a new contract with you."

"OK...works for me, this way I can save some money." After their conversation, Long Jie looked at Tangning with an ambiguous smile, "The mighty president of Hai Rui Entertainment, how is he in that aspect?"

"Don't be so nosy, ok?" Tangning replied, staring into Long Jie's eyes.

After returning home, Tangning had a lot of free time since Mo Ting was still out for the day. She headed for the kitchen and found the servants cooking. Lifting up her sleeves, she offered, "Let me help!"

"Madam, how could we trouble you?" The chef in charge of the meals was a middle-aged woman over 40. She liked Tangning as she gave off a peaceful vibe.

"How about this, you rest for the day and allow me to cook for Mo Ting tonight." Tangning led the chef out of the kitchen.

By the time Mo Ting arrived home, it was already late at night. However, as soon as he entered the house, the first thing he did was look for Tangning. Wearing an apron and standing in the kitchen barefooted, Mo Ting found Tangning concentrated on cooking. Mo Ting was surprised as he stared at her quietly. He was immediately attracted by her long slender legs. He walked straight over to her and hugged her from behind as he gently kissed her on the ear.

"President Mo, don't muck around, I'm cooking fish..."

Mo Ting reached over and turned off the stove. Lifting her chin, he went directly for her lips, "But, right now, I just want to eat you up..."

Tangning put down the kitchen utensils in her hands and turned around to hug Mo Ting, clumsily returning his kiss. His soft touch captivated her and as she noticed the charming mole on his ear she became completely infatuated.

Mo Ting's kisses were intermittent but gentle, inching slowly down her body, eventually returning to her collarbone where he stopped, "Any lower...and I won't be able to control myself."


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