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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 310

"I wonder why you didn't investigate this point?" Yue Shanshan questioned J-King, "Of course, this isn't anything worth mentioning anyway. But, when it comes to the fact that Hai Rui knows a lot of secrets and information, it is indeed surprising, yet reasonable."

"This is what sets Mo Ting apart from everyone else. Those that are loyal to him, won't care that he knows secrets about them. In fact, they will feel like they are being protected."

"You on the other hand, all you know how to do is blackmail people...this is the difference between the two of you." After speaking, Yue Shanshan stood up. As she left, she blew a kiss at J-King, "I wish you success and hope you won't die a painful death!"

"By the way, there are people in this world who think they can achieve the same great things as another person when given their power and status. But, reality will prove that a person should understand their position!"

J-King stroked his lips with a cold expression. He had already gotten to this point, why did he still need to consider his position?

All he knew was, all men had wild ambitions; what man didn't like power?


The next day. Tangning accompanied Mo Ting as they slept the entire morning away. She originally wanted Mo Ting to rest for a few days. But after seeing the excitement on his face as he discussed 'Stupid', she no longer felt she had a reason to hold him back.

The only problem she had at present was, their sleeping position last night...slightly exceeded the level at which she was comfortable with. So, as she woke up, her face slightly blushed red.

A certain male organ was still occupying an important part of her body; she didn't think it could possibly be comfortable. So, she tried to help him remove it.

As Tangning stretched out her hand, Mo Ting woke up. However, he didn't let her know because he didn't want his delicate little wife to feel awkward...

After Tangning finished what she was doing and covered him with a blanket, Mo Ting finally wrapped her in his arms and pressed her under his body, "Mrs. Mo, you are extremely virtuous."

Tangning knew he was deliberately trying to tease her, so she shyly covered her cheeks, "You should sleep for a little while longer, there is still a bit of time before we need to go to the airport." After speaking, Tangning freed herself from Mo Ting's embrace and hid in the bathroom.

Mo Ting sat up as he chuckled. If he could be this happy every morning, he would be willing to exchange his life for it.

1pm. The couple were due to board their flight back to Beijing. However, just before boarding time, Tangning received an unexpected phone call. As a result, her expression changed.

"It's Tang Xuan. Come see me when you get back."

The Tang family!

Upon hearing Tang Xuan's voice, Tangning felt like she was talking to someone from a previous lifetime. Who would have thought, with the blink of an eye, 9 years had already passed.

In reality, Tangning had already become accustomed to having no family. To suddenly receive a phone call from the Tang family, her first thought was, trouble must be brewing.

Noticing Tangning remained silent for a while without responding, Tang Xuan spoke in a firmer tone, "Are you not willing?"

"I don't think we have any need to see each other," Tangning replied directly. During her youth, she had always felt like she had stolen something from others. But that was because, at 17/18-years-old she was still young and impetuous. However, she was now 26-years-old and no longer needed to hide her true thoughts. Towards the Tang siblings, apart from mutual hatred, she did not feel anything else for them.

"Tomorrow morning at 8am, I will get my driver to come pick you up."

Tang Xuan didn't seem to care about anything Tangning said.

So Tangning couldn't be bothered to continue resisting. In the end, she replied, "I can drive myself."


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