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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 334

"OK, let's announce our marriage the day that we complete filming."

In front of me, you can do anything you want, he thought to himself.

After returning to the hotel, Mo Ting led Tangning straight into the bathroom. After she finally washed away the tiredness she had built up over the day, Mo Ting pulled her to the bed and wrapped his arms around her, "What time will you begin filming tomorrow?"

"Hmmm...4pm," Tangning replied drowsily.

Mo Ting pulled her closer. As his nose brushed against her hair, he breathed in her unique fragrance.

Tangning subconsciously buried herself in Mo Ting's arms and pressed her face against his chest, "I missed you."

"I'm here now."

Tangning gave a grunt of acknowledgment. Her heart was at peace as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. At this time, Mo Ting sat up and carefully examined her legs for any injuries.

The two falls from earlier were much too painful to watch!

The next morning. As Tangning awoke, she subconsciously reached out her hand to the spot next to her. However, not only was it cold and empty, she discovered Mo Ting standing by the window with a serious expression.

Tangning pulled away the bedsheets and approached him, "You didn't sleep all night? Are you angry?"

Mo Ting did not respond, but Tangning could tell he was upset...

"Why are you angry?"

"I feel I am at fault for not making you cherish your body," Mo Ting replied after quite some time. "It seems I need to buy insurance for your entire body."

Tangning was a little surprised. She realized her man was black belly to the point where even God would be shocked. He obviously knew she would feel guilty if he said something like this, yet he chose this method to punish her.

"I've thought about it. Just this once, never again," Tangning vowed as she raised her hand, "However, it is currently 7am, but my filming doesn't start until 4pm..."

"Don't forget, I am your manager. I've already spoken to Coque. Your filming will be moved to the afternoon. Plus, Lin Sheng already said he doesn't mind crossing paths with you. You won't need to film so late at night anymore."

"Using business for your own personal gain?"

Mo Ting couldn't help but brush his hand against her cheek, "It's because my heart ached knowing what you had to go through. Plus, you can go observe Lin Sheng in the morning and see if you can learn a thing or two."

"What about the issue with J-King? What's happening with that?"

"Don't worry about that..." Mo Ting didn't want Tangning to stress over something so annoying. However, there was one thing he wanted to let her know, "Lin Chong seems to have been converted by you. When you have some free time, I'll tell you the entire story..."

Tangning nodded. Afterwards, the couple headed to the studio together.

As soon as the staff saw Mo Ting, they immediately greeted him with respect.

When facing outsiders, Mo Ting never smiled. Because of his anti social demeanor, everyone kept their distance.

Even though he was Tangning's boyfriend, he was still the CEO of Hai Rui - this was the undeniable truth.

Lin Sheng was in the middle of filming a scene where he was to be scolded. In this scene, his biological father tries to make him dive into a pool of water.

Lin Sheng was acting as a stupid child. So, he stood by the water in fear as he shook his hands and tried to avoid jumping in. In the end, he made an extremely ridiculous move. He ran over to a chair and hid is head under it as he trembled...

It was hard not to praise Lin Sheng on his acting. He indeed made people forget he was an actor. Because, even at 30 years old, he was able to play a 16-year-old with no problems.

The terrified look in his eyes was especially impressive...

"Pass!" Director Coque yelled excitedly. Lin Sheng immediately stood up and his assistant rushed over to wrap him in a jacket.


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