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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 336

"Has Kathy been good lately?" Tangning suddenly thought of the cheeky little monster.

Coque held his head in pain as he shook it, "I don't know what to do about her... Someday, when you are parents, you will know what I mean."

Tangning's face turned red as she turned to look at Mo Ting with slight anticipation. Mo Ting also looked at her; it seemed they were thinking the same thing.

Originally Mo Ting was supposed to return to Hai Rui as he still had a lot of work to do. But, as she remembered what Coque had said about being a parent, as soon as they returned to the hotel, Tangning grabbed onto Mo Ting's hand and asked suggestively, "Are you still returning home so late at night?"

Mo Ting lowered his head and looked at Tangning as he gently stroked her hair, "Were you moved by what Coque said today?"

Tangning pursed her lips and nodded her head, "Can you stay and keep me company tonight?"

Mo Ting had always fulfilled all of Tangning's requests, so accompanying her wasn't difficult to do. He immediately stood up and gave Lu Che a phone call, canceling all the video meetings he had scheduled for the night.

Tangning's heart warmed up; she was well aware of how busy Mo Ting was. He must have had a lot scheduled, or else he wouldn't have needed to go. But, Tangning wanted to do something reckless for once...

Most importantly, Mo Ting supported her recklessness; no matter when and where.

Upon seeing Mo Ting remove his jacket, Tangning immediately moved aside and cleared half the bed for him. Mo Ting took the opportunity to lay on the bed and hook his arm around her, pulling Tangning into his embrace...

"Tell me, do you want a child?"

Tangning leaned into Mo Ting's chest and nodded her head, "For a moment I really felt that a family of three would be perfect; a gentle father, a strict mother and a well behaved child."

Mo Ting also felt that would be perfect. In fact, he had dreamed it many times. But, Tangning wasn't even 27 yet. If she was to become a mother now, she would no longer have time to herself. So Mo Ting leaned in and planted a kiss on Tangning's forehead, "Not just yet, I haven't doted you enough."

"I was simply thinking about it. I know it's impossible to achieve right now," Tangning sat up and climbed on top of Mo Ting's body. She then leaned over and gently undid a button on his shirt with her mouth...

Mo Ting's ink-black eyes suddenly filled with desire. So, he reached out his hand, lifted her chin and gave her a violently passionate kiss. It was not until they were both out of breath that he finally parted from her lips. He then whispered in her ear, "I'm really happy..."

Tangning's heart raced as she hugged him quietly. She knew deep down what Mo Ting was happy about.

Most of the time, she respected and depended on Mo Ting. Even though she loved him deeply, she was always clear minded.

But, just a moment ago, she had asked for him to stay... She let go of everything to ask him to stay by her side.

Mo Ting hugged Tangning tightly. In this moment, he was so happy that he was no longer himself...

Two heated bodies intertwined together. They both used their most instinctive desires to express the passion they felt for each other. But, just as Mo Ting grabbed the condom provided by the hotel, Tangning stopped him. She blushed and said, "Just come in like this, it is currently the safe period..."

"Ning...do you know what you are saying?"

When it came to protecting Tangning, Mo Ting always controlled his urges.

In this aspect, her body was always the most important. No matter how passionate they got, he had never left a single mark on her body. But, tonight...

Tangning actually asked for him not to use protection.

"Of course I know what I'm saying. I want to truly be one with you..."


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