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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 363

"If you want to cry, then cry," en route home, Mo Ting looked at the woman leaning on his shoulder, "It was my fault for arriving too late and allowing you to suffer."

Tangning finally let go and started sobbing, she had endured for quite some time, "I was the one that chose to go there, it had nothing to do with you? Why do you always put the blame on yourself?"

"Not protecting you well is always my fault," Mo Ting said with a sense of self-blame, "From now on, you are only my wife. You are no longer 'someone's' granddaughter and you have nothing to do with 'that' family."

"Uh huh," Tangning nodded her head, but she still couldn't help her tears from forcing their way out of her eyes.

Pain caused by family was always the most helpless and hard to cure.

Because it left one with no choice.

"Stop crying now, it's making my heart ache."

Crying didn't solve anything, but stopping didn't either. So Tangning stood up firmly and after a few moments of silence, she said, "Drive me to the studio. We agreed we'd complete filming today so I don't want to delay the progress of the entire film."

"OK. As long as it's something you want to do, I'll accompany you."

This was something he had said before because the best way of expressing love was accompaniment.

While the illegitimate daughter incident continued to circulate, Tangning returned on set accompanied by Mo Ting.

The production crew looked at Tangning worriedly. Even Lin Sheng was waiting for Tangning on set even though he had a day off. He was ready to celebrate the completion of Tangning's first film with her.

"To be able to appear in front of the camera regardless of anything that happens; that is the true sign of a good actor. I'm so glad to see that you have come," Lin Sheng praised as he patted Tangning on the shoulder. "Go ahead, complete your last two scenes to the best of your ability."

Tangning nodded her head as she wiped her teary eyes and looked at the crew with a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I am fine."

"OK..." Lin Sheng watched as Tangning walked on set. Inside, he had finally come to a realization: he had always been one to critique others, but he had never praised anyone. Yet, as a newcomer, Tangning was capable of making him act impulsively.

This must mean he considered Tangning as his student, right?

The last two scenes of 'Stupid' required exaggerated emotions. They were the scenes of the female lead frantically looking for her child after she went insane.

"My child is a genius..."

"A genius..."

"Have you guys seen my child? He really is a genius."

Anxious and in a panic, the female lead grabbed onto the hands of passersby, desperate for them to believe her words. But all she got in return was the cold shoulder.

"Hey, isn't this woman a famous actress?"

"No way! She's just a crazy woman that's lost her kid."

The female lead's proud and arrogant life had come to such a depressing end. Those that witnessed it, couldn't help but sigh in pity.

However, the story was to continue. The genius she spoke of, was 'Stupid's' male lead.

As Tangning was so focused on filming her last two scenes, her attention was completely drawn away from the anger she felt for the Tang Family.

But, just because she wasn't angry, it didn't mean Mo Ting wasn't.

"Congratulations on completing your scenes Tangning!"

"Congratulations to the rebirth of our female lead!"

"Congratulations! All the best!"

The crew gathered around Tangning presenting her with flowers and hugs.


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