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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 374

"I belong to you. All of me from top to bottom, inside and outside."

"Do you know how hard it is to stop myself from coming to look for you?" Mo Ting said in a distressed voice. "I want to eat you up and swallow you whole."

Tangning clenched her fists as she stopped herself from almost saying some impulsive words. Words like, "I don't want to film anymore, I just want to stay by your side".

Or, "stop working and come keep me company".

But in the end, her words were replaced with silence.

Faced with silence, Mo Ting could tell that Tangning was trying to control her emotions, so he changed the subject to make things easier for her, "I will arrange everything you have asked for. Don't worry."


"Huh?" Mo Ting responded subconsciously.

"Nothing. I just wanted to call your name."

"Take good care of yourself."

"Yes, I will," Tangning nodded. "However, I'm afraid the words I want to say to you will decrease."


"Because I'm afraid every word I say to you will reveal my wish to return to your side."

Hearing this, Mo Ting couldn't control his lips from curving upwards, "You don't need to endure so painfully. If you've reached your limit, just tell me, I can come visit you on set. Or, how about this, I can drop by once every week. Would that make the time pass faster?"

By doing this, no matter how long she had to spend on set, it would give her something to look forward to.

Tangning smiled as she nodded, "OK."

Actually, Tangning wasn't the only one to call Mo Ting everyday. Han Xiner also reported to him diligently about Tangning. From injuries down to what she ate, Mo Ting knew more about Tangning than she knew about herself.

But, no matter how much he missed her, he had to let her train on her own.


That morning, Tangning was to have her first filming session for the day. She was required to dress like a dirty beggar; a look that not many actors could accept.

It was bad enough that she was dressed in rags, her body also emitted an unexplainable stench. Then there was her hair; not only was it messy, there were a variety of dirty items stuck in it. On top of everything, there was a bloody gash across her left cheek. This ugly look wasn't something that many actresses could withstand, yet Tangning did not blink an eye.

"I suddenly feel pity for Tangning..."

"No wonder she was late today. She was probably frightened by this look."

"Actually, she's quite serious. Simply based on the fact that she is willing to accept what we wouldn't be able to accept, she's already beaten us all."

A few of the supporting actors stood to one side and discussed their thoughts. But, as Tangning appeared, they took a few steps back.

The director was famous for being exceptionally serious. If he wanted something to be smelly, to create a realistic effect, he would go to extremes.

"She smells so bad..."

"What did the director make Tangning put on?"

"Can't she smell it?"

In actual fact, Tangning was feeling a little nauseous. Seeing her expression was a little off, the director asked, "If you can't take it, feel free to go wash the smell off."

"Is OK, I can endure it."

"OK, let's start our first take."

The lights and camera were ready. In this scene, the little troublemaker was to pickpocket the Lord. Seeing he didn't have much of an expression and looked like an easy target, she decided to tail him.

Just as they neared a temple, the troublemaker snatched the Lord's sack and pulled out all the bread inside. She then quickly started chomping down on them.

Apart from playing out this scene, Tangning was also required to do many disgusting gestures, like picking her nose, walking with splayed legs and spitting on the ground...

"Why are you all here to watch Tangning?"


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