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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 377

"Oh my God..."

"What happened?"

Luckily, they weren't too high up and Bei Chendong was protecting Tangning. So, as the two fell to the ground, Tangning ended up lying on top of Bei Chendong's chest. But even so, Tangning ended up fainting from the shock. As for Bei Chendong's arm, it had been squashed so hard that his injury wasn't minor.

Mo Ting immediately helped the two sit up and said to everyone, "Take them to the hospital straight away!"

Everyone was in so much shock, they had completely forgotten about the existence of a hospital.

Mo Ting carefully lifted Tangning into his car and ordered the director, "Find out why this incident happened. Investigate it properly!"

The director was terrified. Especially after seeing Mo Ting's angry expression, he was in such a panic that he frantically nodded his head, "OK, OK, understood."

As soon as the props assistant saw this, she immediately stood up and grabbed onto the director's arm, "Director, this has nothing to do with me. Before the wires were hooked up, we did a thorough check."

"You saw what happened though," the director pointed to Mo Ting's car as it drove away. "President Mo was here when the incident happened and the one that was injured was his wife as well as the national treasure actor. Hurry and investigate what happened."

"The person in charge of checking the wires was Xiao Xia, where is she now?" The props assistant immediately ran around the set to look for Xiao Xia. But she was nowhere to be seen, "What exactly happened?"


"According to sources, while filming 'Hidden Expert', Tangning fell down during an action scene and is currently in a life threatening situation."

"An insider has revealed that Tangning and a fellow actor fell from extreme heights. In order to protect Tangning, this actor was seriously injured and died on the scene!"

"'Hidden Expert's' deadly incident: Tangning ignored warnings and acted recklessly, causing an actor to be seriously injured and left with his life hanging by a thread."


Inside the hospital corridors, Mo Ting had just sent the two into the emergency room when Lu Che ran over urgently with his phone, "President, news has already been leaked. In fact, it oddly feels like this was all preplanned. It's only been half an hour and the rumors are already defaming the madam."

"Stop the news from spreading and temporarily keep quiet about the incident," Mo Ting ordered as he stood outside the emergency room. "Immediately find professional investigators to investigate the truth."

"Yes," Lu Che replied. A moment later, he received a phone call from Long Jie asking him about Tangning's condition.

"Rumors are spreading like wildfire, saying that Tangning fell and was injured. What exactly happened?"

"Yes, it's true that she fell and was injured, but it's not as bad as the rumors say it is. Don't believe a word," Lu Che reassured.

"What about Bei Chendong? The rumors say he died from protecting Tangning..."

"He's fine," Lu Che's voice turned cold. "Just remain at home and stay out of the mess. If you want to help, use your contacts to find out who leaked this information and who started the rumors."

"OK, I will. But, if anything happens to Tangning, immediately give me a call," Long Jie was still a little worried.

The internet was already in an uproar and Tangning had only been on set not too long.

"Did you guys hear? Tangning was injured in a fight scene and has been permanently disfigured."

"That's not right, I heard she broke her arm and won't be able to appear on the runway or films ever again."

"I also heard she's been disfigured. Oh, such a beautiful face! If she's really been disfigured, her life is over!"

"Tangning, hurry out and refute the rumors..."

"Rumor has it that even President Mo has rushed over. It seems the incident is real."


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