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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 388

Late at night in the Tang Family home, Mother Tang was tidying her belongings.

Seeing this, Father Tang asked curiously as he removed his white coat, "Why are you suddenly packing away all your jewelry?"

"Qinwen, I've arranged to go away with some friends for a few days, if you need anything, give the housekeeper a call," Mother Tang replied as she put down the items in her hands.

"OK. I just finished doing a few big surgeries today. I'm feeling a little tired, so I'm going to go have a bath," Father Tang gently hugged her by the shoulders and added, "Have fun."

"I will," Mother Tang nodded as she held back her tears.

"I heard about what happened earlier today with Tang Xuan. She's still young, don't mind her."

She had heard these same words for the last 20 odd years and endured it until now. But, when her tolerance could not be exchanged for understanding and gratefulness, she realized, all along, she had merely been a joke in their eyes.

"Hurry and have a bath. You've worked hard all day," Mother Tang said as she pushed her husband into the bathroom.

After returning to her dressing table and sitting in front of the mirror, she discovered she had grown a few strands of white hair. It seemed, a person's appearance was indeed easy to age...

No one noticed any abnormality with Mother Tang except Tang Jingxuan. Early the next morning, he noticed her eyes were red and caringly asked, " , are you sick?"

"No, I'm fine. I got something in my eye yesterday and after I woke up this morning it had turned red. I'll go see a doctor later," Mother Tang explained.

"As long as you're OK."

"By the way, I'll be going away for a few days. Take care of your father while I'm gone."

Tang Jingxuan nodded his head casually. Afterwards, he watched as Mother Tang walked directly out the front door without turning back.

After leaving the Tang Family home, Mother Tang headed straight for Hai Rui.

Although Tangning said she didn't want to see her mother, she still turned up at the office, nice and early, with Mo Ting. Mo Ting dealt with business while she looked through her script. But Mo Ting could tell that Tangning both hated and pitied her mother.

"President, Mother Tang has arrived," Lu Che knocked on the door and notified Mo Ting with respect.

So Mo Ting stood up and walked over to Tangning, "Let's go."

Tangning put down the script in her hands and entered the VIP room. Mother Tang was already sitting on the sofa inside and looked a little worn out.

"Ting...Continue with your work, I'll be fine."

Since Tangning did not want to acknowledge her mother, Mo Ting wasn't going to treat her as his mother-in-law either. Knowing that Tangning didn't want him to stay around and feel awkward, he simply nodded his head, turned around and left the room.

"Xiao Ning..."

"Why did you come looking for me?" Tangning's voice sounded distant and cold. But, Mother Tang had long grown accustomed to this treatment, so she didn't mind. Instead, she grabbed onto Tangning's hands and replied, "I was thinking about how you got married without any dowry, so I brought some for you. Now that you are married to Mo Ting, I know you can get whatever you want. But, take this as a small token of my blessings for you. You can do whatever you want with it," Mother Tang forced her jewelry box into Tangning's hands. "By the way, how are your injuries?"

"They were just small scratches," Tangning replied bluntly.

"That's good to hear. Tang Xuan was too cruel." As she spoke, Mother Tang stretched out her hand to touch Tangning's face. But just as her hand got near, she pulled it back again, "OK, that's enough. I got to see you like I wanted to. From now on, I hope the two of you will enjoy a happy life together. I'm going to leave now."

Tangning did not give a reaction because she could sense something was not right.

As a sensitive and detailed person, she could feel that Mother Tang had an unexplainable carefree vibe throughout their meeting. It was like she had let go of everything...


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