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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 435

"In that case, why don't you take care of Hai Rui for a few months and let President Mo come act?" Wei An tried to suggest.

"You wish!" Elder Mo scoffed. Who was he kidding? It hadn't been easy for him to brush off his business to Mo Ting. There was no way he'd stick his fingers back in. "Hai Rui can only be managed by Mo Ting, my brain can no longer handle it...All I can do these days is act."

Wei An smiled and did not say another word. The old man had definitely gotten a lot lazier. However, it couldn't be denied that he had built up the entire Hai Rui empire with his own hands. Those few years in Beijing were his glory years. But, after many years enjoying life with his grandchildren with no cares, the ambition he once had, had long faded. Yet, his brain was still one that not everyone could compete with.

"From the sounds of it, you've decided to acknowledge this granddaughter-in-law of yours?"

"Acknowledge? I haven't seen her true capabilities yet," the old man waved his fan furiously, "Let's wait and see how she performs from now on."

Wei An looked at Elder Mo helplessly. This old man had a stubborn mouth but soft heart. He was already protecting Tangning to this extent, yet he was still denying what he felt.

But that wasn't an issue to linger on, because he had to quickly go find a replacement.


"Who is this scruffy old man? Why does Tangning have to follow him around?"

"Are the rumors true, President Mo? If he ends up splitting with Tangning, I will no longer believe in the entertainment industry or love."

"Anything is possible in the filthy entertainment industry. Perhaps Tangning has gone down the wrong path."

"Tangning don't act carelessly. What predicament have you put President Mo in?"

"I refuse to believe that the old man is an investor. Why does Tangning need to wash his clothes and cook for him? What's the story behind all this?"

"I wonder how President Mo feels about all this. Does he know about it?"

The public were in an uproar; spreading the rumors like wildfire. Of course, the public had a strong curiosity for the truth. They really wanted to know if Tangning had actually given up on herself and abandoned her pride. Did she really give up on such a great husband to go cater for an old man?

Plenty of media companies made phone calls to Hai Rui...

But the PR department simply told them that the rumors were a deliberate attempt at defamation and everything was made up.

Of course, Mo Ting saw the news as soon as it came out and his expression darkened. This was not because he believed in the rumors, but because he did not like that the old man had made his wife suffer in such a way.

He had always doted on Tangning, so he barely let her do any housework at home. Yet, this old man was making her wash his clothes and cook for him!

What right did he have? She was his woman! Had he agreed to this?

"President..." Lu Che couldn't quite read what Mo Ting was feeling. Was he angry? He shouldn't be. After all, Tangning was not at fault.

"Forget it. I'll tolerate it for now," Mo Ting closed his laptop and tried to contain the fire in his heart.

"What should we do about this matter then?"

"What did Wei An say?" Mo Ting asked. It was obvious someone had deliberately leaked the information and the culprit was quite obvious.

"Director Wei has asked Hai Rui for candidate recommendations. They are planning to hold secret auditions and replace Bai Qiusheng at the right time. As there aren't many martial arts actors, let alone famous ones, Director Wei has been put on the spot," Lu Che explained. In reality, Lu Che also wanted to add that Director Wei's ideal replacement was actually Mo Ting himself.

Of course, he did not have the courage to tell him this.


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