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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 529

[Luo Xing announced his retreat from the industry!]

[Luo Xing announced his retreat from the entire entertainment industry!]

[Luo Xing announced his retreat with no restraint.]

"Song Jie, have you seen today's news? It's pretty explosive! The previous singer you managed, Luo Xing, has announced that he'd be retreating from the industry," Song Yanshu's artist laughed as he handed her his phone. "I heard not a single fan turned up at his concert today. I've never seen anyone as pitiful as he is."

Hearing this news, Song Yanshu was stunned as she put down the magazine in her hands and received the phone in her trembling hands.

"This can't be possible!"

"What do you mean? Every single news source is reporting on it. I originally quite liked his songs. But, it seems he's having a run of bad luck."

By this time, Song Yanshu was no longer listening. Her mind was completely blank and her heart felt like it was being p.r.i.c.ked by a thousand needles.

Although she couldn't determine her true feelings for Tang Jingxuan, she was certain that Tang Jingxuan's retreat was partially due to the pain she had given him.

With this thought, Song Yanshu immediately pulled out her phone and gave Tang Jingxuan a phone call. However, there was no response from the other side. So, she decided to call Tangning instead, but Tangning's phone was switched off...

"He can't...Luo Xing can't retreat from the industry," Song Yanshu mumbled to herself..

"Song Jie, what's wrong?" her artist asked in a caring tone after noticing that she was in a bit of a daze. However, Song Yanshu could no longer care about anything else around her as she directly ran out of the waiting room.

But, by the time she reached the location of Tang Jingxuan's concert, the place had emptied out and all that remained were a few staff members that were packing things away.

"Where's Luo Xing?" Song Yanshu asked as she grabbed onto one of the staff members.

"He left ages ago. Why would he stick around? Haiz...this industry is disgusting. Luo Xing is such a decent young man, yet 'someone' couldn't help but use him to create hype. Look at what happened in the end, he had no choice but to leave. And the fickle fans: just yesterday they were obsessed with him, yet today they completely despise him. How cheap are these people's feelings?" complained the middle-aged man.

Hearing this, Song Yanshu felt worse than before...

While Luo Xing was going through his toughest time, she was managing an artist that s.n.a.t.c.hed his job.

Song Yanshu suddenly remembered the words that Tang Jingxuan had said to her: either be his woman or be a stranger.

She a.s.sumed that Luo Xing was still young and would eventually forget this matter, but...

...she never thought that after Xia Jingyi broke his heart, her actions would then stab him in cold blood.

"Luo Xing..."

[Luo Xing's supposed girlfriend steps out to clarify rumors: "Luo Xing is innocent!"]

[Manager instigated scandal: Zhao Qinyi produces solid evidence of Luo Xing's innocence]

[Asian businessman named as the child's father: Luo Xing has no involvement!]

Not even half an hour after Tang Jingxuan announced his retreat, Zhao Qinyi released a series of statements to prove that he was innocent as well as proof that the scandals were instigated by her manager.

Afterwards, Zhao Qinyi accepted interviews from the media with a face full of tears, looking extremely exhausted, "In regards to any negative effects that the public has suffered, I would like to give my sincere apologies. This incident had absolutely nothing to do with Luo Xing and he had done nothing wrong. Truthfully, we only met for the first time at the premiere of 'W.H.'. If you don't believe me, you can compare our schedules."

"Of course, if we only just met, there's no way we could be lovers. Although I once had ulterior motives, Luo Xing refused to cooperate. So, the entire scandal was just a big misunderstanding."

"I never expected to cause Luo Xing so much pain. Especially after hearing his words on stage, I felt a deep sense of guilt..."


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