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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 603

If someone made a move right in front of her eyes, she would deal with them directly. But, if someone attacked her in secret...

...she would naturally respond just as quietly.

On the surface, Hua Wenfeng invited her here to see the professor. But, in reality, she actually wanted to know the gender of her baby. What exactly did Hua Wenfeng have planned?

After a few moments of careful thought, Tangning still had no idea. All she could do was tolerate it for now as she returned to the professor's office.

Seeing her return, Hua Wenfeng and the professor acted like normal as they continued to chat about their families; ready to make Tangning endure a long wait on the sofa.

Seeing that the two had no intention to stop talking, Tangning sent Mo Ting a message, "Hubby...come pick me up. Give me an excuse to leave this place."

"I'll be there soon," Mo Ting quickly responded.

Tangning smiled in secret as she sat to one side, flipping through some medical books like nothing had happened. After approximately 10 minutes, the two finally finished chatting and looked towards Tangning, "Xiao Ning is actually quite a good child."

"When I first heard that Mo Ting had randomly picked someone to marry, I was worried that he had found someone who simply wanted benefits. I was especially worried that he had picked Miss Chi..." the professor adjusted the glasses on his nose as he spoke with a slow, aged voice. "Luckily in the end..."

"I hadn't heard from the rascal for a while. I almost thought that he had reconsidered his decision. But, who would have thought that he had actually married you in secret for so long."

"Seeing that your relationship is going so well, I feel quite relieved."

"Thank you professor for your concern," Tangning smiled sincerely.


"I never expected that you would become an actress. During this time, I had been worried that Wenfeng would be affected by this. From what I see today, my worries were correct," the old professor began to sound slightly disappointed. "So...Xiao Ning, can Grandfather Li make a request?"

He was completely unrelated to her...

What kind of request could this professor want from her?

"Filial piety is a virtue to be held above all else. I believe that you are a kind-hearted child, so, could you promise me that you will never act again?" the old professor asked in seriousness.

That's right...

He was serious!

Hua Wenfeng couldn't say it herself, so she got someone else to make things difficult for Tangning. If Tangning refused, she would appear disloyal and unfilial.

"Could the professor please provide me with a reason? Is this related to a painful past that mom might have? I hope the professor can enlighten me. After all, this is my career. I can't just give it up for no reason. Otherwise, it would be quite difficult for me to accept," Tangning directly pointed out the problem.

She needed to know the reason. She needed to know what Hua Wenfeng's issue was.

Otherwise, how could they expect her to give up just like that?

Did they think of her as a puppet that could be easily controlled?

"Can't you just agree?" the professor asked helplessly.

Tangning smiled slightly and replied, "Even if the professor won't reveal anything, I can roughly guess what is happening. But you need to know, Mo Ting and I have our own lives and we deserve to be respected."

In other words, she was rejecting him.

"Haiz...I'm simply trying to draw you both closer together."


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