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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 691

[Online rumors claim, Hai Rui is suppressingSong Xin to maintain Tangning's status!]

[Genius Song Xin: An all-round artist that even Tangning is afraid of]

[Why Tangning fears Song Xin: Analysis chart explains it all]

These were the latest entertainment news headlines comparing Tangning and Song Xin on the same level. Song Xin's starting point had been too high and Tangning was often compared to her. All of a sudden, it seemed like no one in Beijing could compete with her. Only Tangning stood in her way.


Today was the day of Huo Jingjing's discharge from the hospital. As her good friend, Tangning personally picked her up from the hospital even though she was pregnant.

Whenever Huo Jingjing was bored, she would look at the entertainment news. The rumors that were currently going around made her angry just looking at them.

"Is President Mo letting Song Xin do this?"

"Just go home and get some rest. This has nothing to do with you," Tangning replied calmly. "We don't want the media to cling onto you and uncover your old scars."

"Are you just going to allow an arrogant newcomer to step all over you?"

"She's the most famous in Beijing at the moment," Tangning chuckled, speaking the undeniable truth. "Plus, I am currently pregnant. Do I need to argue with her?"

"You should teach her a lesson..."

Huo Jingjing didn't care about herself, she simply didn't want to see Tangning being bullied. She especially didn't want to see Tangning being tread upon by a newcomer like Song Xin. What right did she have to do so?

"Just go home and get some rest won't you?" Tangning helplessly gestured for Fang Yu to take Huo Jingjing home. In addition to stopping Huo Jingjing's endless chattering, Tangning also felt bad to see the condition of her leg.

The vengeance she felt was deeply imprinted in her mind; she would never forget it.

Meanwhile, outsiders enjoyed the excitement, the arguments, the noise, but those within the industry knew that Song Xin was only putting up a front. If she had truly surpassed Tangning, she would not need to use Tangning to create hype and boost herself.

And, if Song Xin was smart enough, she would know when to hold back a little to prevent resentment from the public. Otherwise, society would be tempted to teach her how to behave.

But, of course, now that Song Xin had been arrogant for so long, it was time to teach her a lesson.


Actually, the first to give a response was Tangning's fans. In the face of Song Xin's aggressiveness, Tang fans weren't going to let her have her way, "Over the past two years, any measly puppy or kitty that's grown some teeth has tried to challenge our Tangning. Hasn't anyone taught them about modesty? Look at our Ning...has she ever tread on any of her seniors?"

"Actually, after watching the show for so long, I've realized that Song Xin has a one-sided obsession with our Tangning. They are both in different fields, yet they are always getting compared. It's obvious who's trying to leech off the other's popularity?"

"Tangning's simply focusing on her pregnancy, observers don't need to take notice of any rumors."

"I think our Ning should come out and express her thoughts. Although Song Xin isn't anyone important, fans don't like to see you being clung to. Let that b*tch see what true popularity is."

During these conversations, Tangning was actually within the chat group. After seeing the last suggestion, she responded with her personal account, "OK!"

The fans didn't notice at first. When they finally realized, they screamed in excitement!

"What did I just see?"

"Am I seeing things?"


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