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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 718

"Don't be so harsh with your words," Xiao Yuhe reminded her helplessly.

"Is this the first day you met me? It's not like you never knew I was like this," Song Xin replied casually.

She was right, Xiao Yuhe acknowledged in his mind. He knew she was like this from the start, yet he couldn't help but treat her with no regrets.


Actually, one of the reasons why Song Xin did not insist for Duan Jinghong to accompany her was because it had been a long time since Duan Jinghong had spent time with her parents. But, another reason was, whenever she thought about Duan Jinghong's impressive new image after returning home, she would feel extremely uncomfortable.

She couldn't tolerate the fact that her 'follower' had suddenly become more attractive and eye-catching than her.

So, even though their relationship appeared normal on the surface, the two women knew deep down whether things had actually changed.

6pm. Xiao Yuhe picked Song Xin up to take her to the event. However, en route, Song Xin couldn't help but ask, "Have you noticed that Duan Jinghong has gotten prettier lately?"

"Just a little bit," Xiao Yuhe replied, "She's a bit more stylish than before."

"I don't like it. I don't like that my manager is covered in thick makeup. I prefer her clean look," Song Xin expressed her displeasure; her vanity was getting the best of her.

"It must be tiring to be your friend. They're not even allowed to stand out more than you," Xiao Yuhe smiled helplessly.

"What? I have the right to choose my friends!"

Xiao Yuhe did not respond as he placed his focus on driving.

Duan Jinghong's girl group was called AOB. It consisted of four members; each with their own strengths. All four girls were highly talented.

As they had just debuted, they did not have the right to hold their own concert yet. So, the event tonight was held by the seniors of Hai Rui to show their support for promising newcomers and AOB had been invited to perform.

In the backstage of the concert, Duan Jinghong and her group members were getting their makeup done. At this time, the group leader asked Duan Jinghong, "Has the b*tch arrived yet?"

Duan Jinghong turned to look at her group leader and nodded her head, "Yes, she's here."

"Good. Let's show her what we've got..."


The concert was packed with 10,000 people and there were plenty of fans in the audience, so a view of the stage was limited and the atmosphere was very noisy. However, Song Xin had her hands on VIP tickets, so she was seated right at the front with just a small runway separating her from the performers on stage.

It couldn't get any better...

7pm. The concert officially started. Song Xin couldn't help but sigh. The artists on stage were indeed trained by Hai Rui. Their singing, dancing, and stage presence was almost perfect. No wonder Hai Rui's singers were so popular.

As one wave of cheering followed another, Song Xin's ears began to feel numb. But, the performance she was waiting for, did not arrive.

However, Duan Jinghong had already observed Song Xin clearly from the backstage.

She couldn't wait to see how Song Xin was going to react.

On stage, the host finally prepared the audience for AOB's performance. Although the fans had never heard of them before, knowing that their idol had invited them as guest performers, filled them with anticipation. So, they erupted in a loud applause.


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