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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 809

Even though the weather wasn't too hot, Tangning could feel that Mo Ting's body was covered in a layer of cold sweat.

He was afraid.

In front of everyone, how fearless and ruthless was he? He had never been afraid of anyone. Yet, at this moment, he was truly frightened.

"I'm fine, I'm honestly fine," Tangning forgot about her fears. At this moment, her main priority was comforting this man because she couldn't bear to see him in such a worried state.

However, Mo Ting continued to hug her and wouldn't let go. Only after a considerable amount of time, when Tangning's arms began to feel numb, did he finally release her.

"Let's go check on Lin Qian and Xu Xin."

Tangning wanted to confirm if the two women were seriously injured, but Mo Ting stopped her, "Lu Che's already gone to check."

However, Xu Xin was going to suffer after this...


The next morning, inside the Quan Family Home.

After an entire night, news of Tangning's car accident had spread to every corner of Beijing. Quan Ziye never cared about who was at the top of the headlines, but today, his housekeeper found a video online and placed it in front of him.

"Young Master...look at this."

Quan Ziye lazily opened his eyes, his gaze containing a slight charm, making him resemble a kitten that had just awoken.

"What rubbish are you trying to show me?" Quan Ziye received his phone from the housekeeper and started playing the video. However, after 2 minutes, he suddenly sat up straight. "So, she went to be an assistant for Tangning. No wonder I searched all over Beijing and couldn't find her."

"Have you called the hospital to confirm her current condition?"

"Yes, Young Master," the housekeeper nodded. "The Second Miss was lucky. She only suffered minor injuries, nothing serious."

After hearing this, Quan Ziye let out a laugh, "She tried so hard to hide from me, but what was the point? Didn't I end up finding her in the end?"

"What does the Young Master have planned?"

"Let's go to the hospital." As soon as he was done talking, Quan Ziye jumped up from the sofa and grabbed the keys to his Maserati from the coffee table.

After putting on his sunglasses, he jumped into his car. No words came out of his mouth, but his heart was chanting the words, "I dare you to hide again, Lin Qian."

Lin Qian did not hurt her arm like Tangning did. Her injury was on her head. Although her head scans came out fine, she still ended up unconscious for an entire night. So, she didn't wake up until the next morning.

Lu Che had been watching over Lin Qian by her bedside. As soon as she woke up, he handed her a glass of water, "Are you OK?"

Lin Qian slightly nodded her head. Due to the fact that she had been sleeping for so long, it took her a while to find her voice.

"That's good."

"How's Ning Jie and that crazy woman?"

"They're both fine," Lu Che replied. "The Madam only suffered a small injury. But, that crazy woman wasn't as lucky," Lu Che shrugged.

It was good that Tangning was fine. Lin Qian once again closed her eyes to get some rest. But, at this time, a man in sunglasses suddenly entered the room. In response, Lu Che immediately said, "Sir, I think you've entered the wrong room."

Quan Ziye removed his sunglasses and pointed to Lin Qian, "I'm her brother."

As soon as Lu Che saw Quan Ziye, he understood what to do. So he glanced at Lin Qian and immediately left the room, giving the siblings some privacy.

As soon as Lu Che left, Quan Ziye closed the door and locked it. He then walked up to Lin Qian and sat down beside her bed, "Did you enjoy hiding from me?"

Lin Qian closed her eyes, not wanting to say a word.


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