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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 880

News that Tangning appeared at the shopping mall quickly spread throughout Beijing. In the eyes of the public, they were sincerely trying to hold back an actress, but in the eyes of everyone else in the industry, they felt like Tangning was being ungrateful.

Everyone in the industry knew that fans were fickle; this was something that people in the industry often said. So, for people within the industry, Tangning appeared to be putting on an act.

But, after making a one-time appearance at the theater, Tangning did not appear in front of the public again; she definitely wasn't trying to attract attention like some people thought.

"How do you feel after watching your own film?" Qiao Sen asked. He wanted to know if Tangning thought she was invincible like other actors often did.

"If I was given another chance, I would do it even better," Tangning replied.

After hearing her response, Qiao Sen laughed, "We are indeed the same kind of people." They were both perfectionists.

"I've selected the female lead. Since you are not fated to take this role, I've decided to pick an actress from overseas," Qiao Sen said as he handed Tangning some information. "She's a French actress with good qualifications."

Tangning received the documents, but did not immediately share her opinion, "I'll have a look at home."

"That's fine," Qiao Sen nodded.

"There's one more thing that I would like to get your opinion about," Tangning hesitated for a few seconds as she looked at the 3D model on the special effects programmer's computer. "I would like to change the name of the film. 'Purgatory' is too abstract and isn't captivating enough."

"OK, what would you like to change it to?" Qiao Sen asked.

"'The Ant Queen'"

After hearing this name, Qiao Sen immediately imagined an ant that was the size of the buildings around it. It was an exciting image that immediately made him nod his head, "Yes, 'The Ant Queen' sounds more like a sci-fi film. Let's settle on that then."

"Not bad. Things seem to progressing well. I hope this film will be ready for release in two years time."

Two years...


Out of all the artists being managed by Tangning, Xia Hanmo's road to recovery was probably the most difficult because she no longer occupied a place in the main circles.

After returning from overseas, Xia Hanmo appeared on various magazines and the public's appraisal of her began to change.

This gave Xia Hanmo a new lease on life. After all, she still needed to pay for her brothers exorbitant medical costs.

Lin Qian looked into the man mentioned by Xia Hanmo, Zhou Qing, and discovered that he was indeed the best host in the travel world. So, Xia Hanmo really appreciated the opportunity given to her and went with Lin Qian to meet him.

Zhou Qing was in his mid thirties and had a classy appearance. Because of his easygoing and humorous personality, he had a good reputation in the industry.

And this time, he shocked everyone with the news of working with Xia Hanmo!

According to the way that Xia Hanmo had gotten famous because of her bad reputation, wasn't Zhou Qing worried at all?

But, because of Tangning, when people mentioned Xia Hanmo, they naturally took good care of her.

"Hanmo, with me around, you don't need to worry about anything. The staff will take good care of you," Zhou Qing comforted during their meeting, assuring her not to feel anxious.

After receiving Zhou Qing's words of comfort, Xia Hanmo nodded her head, "Don't worry, I will put in my best efforts."

"With your years of experience, I'm sure you can handle it. Especially since you are so well traveled."


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