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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 883

As the flood continued to rise, the cliffs on the sides began to break apart, making everyone's knees weak in fear.

"This won't do, we have to continue climbing upwards," Zhou Qing proposed. Because of the strong destructive power of the flood, no one could guarantee that the current place they were standing would remain stable.

"But, Zhou Ge, the path ends here."

"Then, throw away any unnecessary items and let's climb up," Xia Hanmo instructed. This side of the mountain was obviously safer because the rocks were more stable and the woods were lusher.

After hearing what Xia Hanmo said, everyone decisively threw their beloved items on the floor. Because, at a time like this, nothing was more important than their own lives.

Xia Hanmo then gathered some straw, weaved them into a strong rope and tied the girls together. This way, they could look after each other.

"Hanmo, thank you. We are honestly thankful."

"Hanmo...it was our fault for not treating you well."

At this moment, the girls were all crying in fear. But, after hearing Xia Hanmo's idea, they began to feel a sense of safety.

However, the rope wasn't long enough, so it was only capable of tying a few of the weakest girls together. So, Xia Hanmo turned around and said to Lin Qian as she nudged her forward, "You go first, I'll protect you."

"Can you still hold on?" Lin Qian asked. "Don't treat yourself like you're invincible..."

At this time, Zhou Qing who was leading, suddenly ran behind Xia Hanmo and pushed her forward, "You go ahead, I'll watch your back."

"Zhou Ge..."

"Don't underestimate me. I am still a man," Zhou Qing patted Xia Hanmo on the shoulder.

With much difficulty, the crew of people ended up climbing up the mountain. No one had any time to care about their image because the scene below them was much too frightening. Although they didn't know know if the villagers managed to escape, they could only hope that they were safe.

Soon, everyone quickly exhausted their energies. But, they were only halfway up. Meanwhile, the group of weaker girls had to force themselves forward with assistance from the men.

"Everyone, let's rest for a bit." Everyone lay on the ground in a heap, their bodies covered in mud.

But, after running for their lives, this group of originally clean and glamorous artists were finally able to lay down their burdens and face Xia Hanmo head on.

"I never imagined you to be this capable."

"That's right Hanmo, you saved everyone's lives."

"Everyone's relatively safe now, but it's still not easy to call for help. It seems like there will still be heavy rain, so everyone will need to suffer a little more," Xia Hanmo said with her hands on her hips. "Right now, we need to find a comfortable place to light a fire."

"Huh? Light a fire?"

"If we have fire, then we have smoke. We can use the smoke to create a smoke signal and call for help," Zhou Qing helped Xia Hanmo explain.

"I see."

"I hope everyone is lucky."

Unfortunately, reality proved that everyone's luck wasn't that good, because Xia Hanmo's prediction was right and a second round of heavy rain soon poured down on then. Even though they managed to light a fire, it was quickly extinguished. And, if they were to light a fire with the damp wood later, they would only choke on the smoke.

"Will we have to sleep here tonight?" Xia Hanmo sighed. "I reckon if this experience got documented and turned into a TV show, it would be a hit."

"You're actually in the mood to joke right now?" Zhou Qing laughed.

Xia Hanmo turned around subconsciously to look for Lin Qian, but noticed that her face was extremely pale.

Xia Hanmo touched her forehead and began to panic, "You've got a fever."

"What should we do? We've already thrown away everything and don't have any medicine on us," a crew member asked, seemingly afraid that Lin Qian would infect them.


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