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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 891

The woman was aware of Tangning. After all, she had stirred up the international arena quite a few times.

But regardless of who they were up against, Cate's team was confident that their extra conditions would be added to the contract.

"In France, I am treated like a national treasure. Everywhere I stay is at a 5-star standard. But look at the hotel here in Beijing. Even the air conditioner is broken."

"I don't want to stay in a place like this."

If someone complained that Hollywood was mistreating foreign actors, they would have to endure it, because it was Hollywood. But, who did Superstar Media think they were in comparison?

Cate's team was prepared to battle it out with Tangning. They already had a thousand reasons to convince Tangning to accept the new conditions.

But, they had obviously underestimated Tangning's abilities as a manager and boss.

They thought she was here as an actress.

But, from the moment that Tangning stepped foot into the meeting room, she was no longer the actress Tangning.

The white suit on her body made her appear mature and gorgeous. Cate suddenly found that she was unable to tell what Tangning had planned.

Cate had brought along a few lawyers as well as her manager and assistant. All up, there were five of them. But, Tangning simply brought along Long Jie.

"I heard that your team requested additional conditions," Tangning said straightforwardly.

Cate did not say a word. Instead, her manager spoke on her behalf, "Our Cate is famous in France and has a considerable status in the international arena. We have the right to receive better treatment."

"You should have discussed these conditions when you first signed the contract. Since the contract is already signed, then you have the responsibility to abide by it. Or do you think Superstar Media is easy to pick on?"

"The contract was set by us, so there's always room for adjustments. Plus, you were the ones that invited Cate here. Shouldn't your responsibilty be to satisfy her needs?" the manager asked expectantly.

"If you want to blame someone, you should blame yourselves for not having anyone in China that is comparable to our Cate. Otherwise, why would you travel so far to beg us?'

"So what do you plan to do?" Tangning crossed her arms.

"Our lawyer will discuss with you the conditions that our Cate wants," the manager thought that Tangning was coming to a compromise, so he began to mention the lawyer.

But, as soon as Cate's lawyer stepped forward and handed Tangning some documents with Cate's conditions, Tangning stuck out her hand and gestured for them to stop.

"Before you make any new requests, I think you should sign this document first," Tangning gestured for Long Jie to hand over a document that was typed in French and placed it in front of Cate's manager.

"A contract cancellation agreement?" the manager was shocked.

"Superstar Media may have a lot of money, but we aren't stupid. The first time you made requests, I already had the intention to send you packing back to France."

"I have three reasons for this."

"Firstly, my country may not be well developed, but I still have access to entertainment news. At the very least, I know that Miss Cate's acting in France is skilled, but her reputation is a mess. So don't tell me that you get treated like a national treasure in France. Do you think I've never been to France? Or did you expect me to never go to France? How embarrassing..."

"Secondly, it's not that China has bad actresses. It's just that Cate suits the role we are trying to fill. If it wasn't because I was pregnant, I don't think she would have stood a chance. According to statistics, my influence in the Western Market seems to be much higher than hers..."


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