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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 903

Lin Qian stepped into the training grounds without much optimism. After all, she did not know Li Jin well. She did not know how the usual Li Jin was like and how different he was when he was working, nor did she know who his friends were - she knew nothing.

She couldn't be like Tangning. When Tangning made a decision, she accepted whatever consequences came her way, good or bad because she wasn't afraid of anything.

But, Lin Qian was different. She was scared. When she didn't think something over properly or there was too much of a risk, she would immediately retreat.

It's not that she wasn't willing to fight for something. But, being afraid was her natural reaction.

Soon, Lin Qian and the soldier arrived at the training grounds. But, Lin Qian didn't see any soldiers training, she simply saw Li Jin and a few of his comrades. This included his supposed godsister, Han Xiao.

Actually, Han Xiao was also surprised. She never expected Li Jin to bring Lin Qian to the training grounds to meet his closest comrades.

Were his feeling for her actually real?

"Qian Qian..." Li Jin called naturally. As Lin Qian approached, he pulled her into his arms and said to his comrades, "Qian Qian was unconscious last time, so I didn't get to introduce her properly. This is my girlfriend Lin Qian. We should be getting settled down very soon."

This was the first time that Li Jin admitted to having a girlfriend. Even Han Xiao, who had stuck around him for so long didn't receive this kind of treatment. From the looks of it, Li Jin had truly fallen in love.

The comrades looked at Lin Qian and then glanced at Han Xiao. They then exclaimed, "You rascal. So you had a girlfriend all along. Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"We only met not long ago."

Lin Qian could tell that the comrades were a little awkward. It was probably because Han Xiao was around.

At this time, Han Xiao tried to make an excuse to leave, "I still have some training to do, so I won't be sticking around."

"Wait." To everyone's surprise, Lin Qian suddenly spoke up.

Han Xiao assumed that Lin Qian wasn't the type of person to expose a small quarrel between women to the men. But, Lin Qian was exactly this kind of person.

"Since Li Jin and Miss Han are both here, I would like to discuss some matters. Li Jin, let me ask you, is Miss Han your godsister?" Lin Qian asked as she stared at Han Xiao.

"No," Li Jin replied straightforwardly.

"But Miss Han came looking for me last night, claiming that she was checking me out on behalf of her godbrother. She also told me to get used to her existence because she is a comrade of yours and the two of you often work together, so I shouldn't get jealous. Lastly, she even told me to watch my image because you are in the military," Lin Qian recalled Han Xiao's words from the previous night in front of everyone.

"Since, the timing seems to be right, I would like to give Miss Han a response. Firstly, you're overstepping your boundaries. I don't care if you're Li Jin's godsister, even if you were his actual sister, you have no right to approach his girlfriend and order her around."

"Secondly, I honestly do mind your existence because no woman could stand having such a calculative woman by her man's side. It's much too dangerous."

"Thirdly, I admit that people in the military are amazing because they are protecting the security of our country, but that doesn't give you reason to look down on me. I do my job well and I contribute to society in my own way. I am not any less significant than you."

"I can't stand your arrogance, so I want to make things clear to you right now."


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