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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 911

"What a joke! I'm Coco's mother. Plus, her father has no ability to take care of her. Why can't I take my daughter back?"

"Don't you bunch of lawyers think you can trick me. No matter how good you are at talking, you can't change the fact that Coco is my daughter."

"It's only right for a mother to take back her daughter."

From this sentence alone, it was clear to see that Mother Lee was an unreasonable person. So, the lawyers directly handed her a letter, "Before you try to take back Coco, let us discuss a few issues. Firstly, you left your husband and daughter and never took care of Coco after your divorce with your husband. You even abandoned your daughter! So, before you make any demands, let's first discuss these legal responsibilities that you have owing."

"Secondly, even if you still insist on fighting for Coco's custody, the court will look into your finances. Are you sure you want to face the court in your current situation?"

"Madam, we all know what your true intentions are. But, we can confidently tell you that if you go to court, not only will you lose your custody battle, you may even incriminate yourself. According to the law, abandoning a child is liable to up to 7 years in prison."

"Think it over..."

Mother Lee was obviously threatened by the lawyers words. After all, her history of abandonment, as well as her finances, were black marks across her name that could never be erased.

"Even if I can't take back Coco, isn't it only right for her to give her mother some money now that she is earning so much?"

The lawyers felt that Mother Lee was completely shameless.

They couldn't believe that Father Lee was attracted by this woman in the past and eventually abandoned by her as well.

"Madam, I think you've made a mistake. You may not fight for the custody of Coco, but we can still report you for abandonment. If you want to continue with this, we don't mind."

"So, do you still want some money?"

The lawyers sneered as they watched Mother Lee's face turn pale.

"A despicable person like you does not deserve to be a mother. You just wait and see, I'm sure your current husband's children will kick you out in a matter of time."

"Lastly, I would like to add one more thing. Coco's value may have changed, but it's not something that someone like you will have anything to do with. If you decide to appear in front of Coco again, I can guarantee that you won't spend any less than 7 years in prison. Do you want to give it a try?"

After speaking, the lawyers left and reunited with Coco and her father outside.

"Let's go. The problem has been solved."

"That woman won't come looking for me again, will she?" Coco asked.

"Don't worry, she won't," the head lawyer replied as he lifted Coco in his arms. Before he parted with the father and daughter, he added one last thing, "Mr. Lee, have you ever heard the saying, 'Weakness is the biggest evil'? I know you've already tried your best to protect Coco, but what you've done isn't enough. I suggest you hand Coco over to Superstar Media so they can help you plan out Coco's future."

After hearing this, Father Lee understood that the lawyer was simply being honest. So, he nodded his head and replied, "Thank you, I will seriously consider it."

"Don't just consider it. You need to do it."

After speaking, the lawyer boarded his car and quickly disappeared from sight.

Coco looked at her father's hurt expression and felt a little bad, "Daddy, you've already done your best..."


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