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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 954

Tangning endured the pressures and walked over to Mo Ting's side. As she approached, Mo Ting stood up and gave her the seat at the head of the table.

"I asked you here today because Director Lin mentioned twice in our board meetings that he wants to shut down Superstar Media. I want to know what you think about that. After all, you created Superstar Media with your own two hands."

After hearing this, Tangning stared firmly at Director Lin for about 10 seconds before she replied,"Before I give a response to your question, can I first explain how this issue came about?"

Mo Ting did not say a word, but the other shareholders nodded their heads.

After receiving approval, Tangning began to explain, "I think the issue between Director Lin and I should be considered as a personal grudge."

"Our problems started when Director Lin's brother-in-law began to show interest in Superstar Media's artist, Luo Sheng. So, he tried to invite Luo Sheng to partake in his IP drama. But, as everyone knows, Director Lin's brother-in-law is involved with some ill-reputed television channels and is battling some copyright issues. So, Luo Sheng ended up rejecting the IP drama."

"Consequentially, I ended up offending President Fan. During one of our conversations, he even told me that his brother-in-law is a shareholder at Hai Rui and told me to be careful with my decisions. But, what's wrong is wrong. I'm not going to do something immoral just to avoid offending someone."

"I think this is the reason why Director Lin has been clinging to me. Someone must have been implanting ideas into head in bed."

"Hmmph, we are currently discussing whether Superstar Media should be shut down," Director Lin tried to change the subject, "Why are you bringing up personal grudges?"

"Because today's issue wouldn't have come about without personal grudges," Tangning struck back. "Just because you don't like me, you're trying to suppress Superstar Media. But, what right do you have to do that?"

"Don't forget that everyone here approved to the forming of Superstar Media. Superstar Media has stuck to its boundaries and only done what it should. Why should you be making such a fuss? If it's not because of personal grudges, what other reason could you have?"

"Let me repeat myself: we are currently discussing whether Superstar Media should be shut down."

"If President Mo tells me that Superstar Media is no longer needed, I am more than happy to give up my identity as the CEO of Superstar Media..." Tangning replied.

"I said it before, the shareholders will make the decision. If the majority agree that Superstar Media should be shut down, then we will follow fit. I always stick to my words," Mo Ting said. "But, after we solve the issue with Superstar Media, we will also discuss the matter with Director Li."

Tangning looked at Mo Ting nervously, but, Mo Ting wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gestured for her to not worry.

"But, President Mo. I am someone that's been at Hai Rui for a long time."

"Since you no longer respect my authority, it doesn't matter if you've been here for a long time. It's time to express your opinions: write down your two answers on a piece of paper and hand it over."

Seeing the seriousness on Mo Ting's face, the other shareholders understood that they had to come to a conclusion today.

"Director Lin, I don't mean to criticize you, but do you really think it's worth ruining your relationship with President Mo for the sake of your brother-in-law?"

"Exactly. Superstar Media's existence has no impact on us, so why must you cling to them and not let go?"

"President Mo already gave you a chance last time. You should have cherished it. Do you really want to leave the board of directors?"

Under everyone's persuasion, Director Lin began to feel moved.

Actually, he was already feeling regretful when Mo Ting started being serious. Unfortunately, he had already trodden too far.

Since he had already gotten to this point, there was no turning back.

At least Tangning and Superstar Media were going down with him.

"Hurry and voice your opinions."

Soon, Lu Che picked up the opinion box and the shareholders placed their slips of paper inside.


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