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Love Contract novel Chapter 396

"That's easy for you to say, but can you find him?" Jazlyn said resentfully.

"I'm sure I can find him somehow. His home is there, and I don't think it will move. But I am afraid I cannot meet him in person," Lucas said genuinely.

"You're talking nonsense again!" Jazlyn kicked Lucas.

Aisha pursed her lips and said to Lucas, "If you can find his house, I'll go see him."

The following day, the three of them managed to find Archer's family house. It was in the richest neighborhood in Manhattan. It was in the Fifth Avenue in the upper east district known as the "Golden Coast" of New York City.

"Damn! They also live in Fifth Avenue, yet they're so wealthy! What about us? The gap between their wealth and ours is huge!" Jazlyn sighed helplessly.

"Of course, if his house is at the famous Fifth Avenue, you can't compare with him." Lucas shook his head. "The formation of the Upper East rich neighborhood started from the Fifth Avenue. Needless to say, his family definitely has a rich background. Moreover, everyone who lives there has 'aristocratic faces'. Think about it. If an apartment is expensive, his family lives in a villa! No, scratch that. They live in a manor! It's just a little bit smaller than the White House."

"A manor!" Jazlyn's eyes lit up. "I wanna live in a manor, too!"

Lucas rolled his eyes and asked, "How about a villa?" "Why? Do you have one?" Her eyes glinted expectantly as she stared at Lucas.

"My family owns one." Lucas gave her honeyed smile.

"Humph! A manor is ten times better!" she enviously said. Later, when she went to Lucas's family house, she realized that the villa was just a little smaller than the White House, too.

"If that's the case, I won't have any chance to be with Archer." Aisha grabbed a bowl of instant noodles and began to eat, oblivious of how she appeared.

"You can't just say that! Archer loves you, and he's not a little kid who still depends on his family. He will definitely fight for the two of you. Don't worry!" Lucas comforted her with a gentle pat on the back.

"Then I guess I have no choice but to try my best." Aisha smiled nonchalantly, but pain and sadness was still apparent in her eyes.

Over the next three days, the three of them strolled near the gate of Archer's manor every day to observe the enemy and prepare for their night infiltration.

"I noticed that the gate of the manor is the most heavily guarded, and the back door is full of guards as well. If you want to get in, your only choice is to break in from the side," Lucas said. "We should all go in together, and then—"

'Tm going in alone," Aisha interrupted coldly.

"What are you talking about?" Jazlyn said with a gaped mouth, "Boss, it's too dangerous to go alone! Archer's father has always desired to kill you! If you go in by yourself, you're going to put yourself in danger!"

"Even if we all go in together, we'll all just inevitably die. Why would you sacrifice your lives for that?" Aisha shrugged, crouched and put on a lighter pair of shoes. "I'll go in and take a look tonight. Don't worry about me, I happen to be very lucky. I'm not going to fail."

"Then, be careful, boss!" Jazlyn was aware of how stubborn Aisha was, so she didn't try to change her mind anymore.

At night, every guard inside No. 16 Manor on Fifth Avenue was patrolling the premises of the manor dutifully. Under the brilliant moonlight, a figure entered the manor from the left side, jumping above the fence. Using a high-tech device, she managed to disable the alarms installed there. Thankfully, she was able to enter the manor without any trouble.

When she sneaked into the yard, she noticed that there were too many rooms. Aisha wondered which room was Archer's.

When she was about to figure it out, the door of the main building opened all of a sudden. A maid, carrying a dinner tray in her hands stepped out, shaking her head with a sigh.

Aisha's intuition told her that Archer was definitely there.

She carefully approached the building, hiding behind the cover of the trees to get closer. Then, she scouted every floor by peering through the windows.

Chapter 396 Extra Story Being Separated (Part Two) 1

Chapter 396 Extra Story Being Separated (Part Two) 2

Chapter 396 Extra Story Being Separated (Part Two) 3


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