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Love With My Billionaire Boss novel Chapter 27

Supporting her daughter's decision.


The Stone's Residence.


Nicole was seated comfortably in the living room. A maid was trimming her nails.


She was in a fairly good mood. It's been a week since her daughter visited them. However,she was already missing her.


Was it her fault?


Was it easy to be separated from one's daughter for nineteen years?


It wasn't at all...


As she immersed herself in her thoughts,a guard came in to report.


"Madam, Mr Stephen is here." He bowed.




What was he doing here?


"Let him in. You may leave." She waved the maid away.


The maid bowed respectfully and left.


Stephen came into the living room. He was feeling oppressed. The whole mansion was and looked expensive. Splendor, elegance,beauty,were all present in the mansion.


The Stone family were fucking rich....


"Young man, didn't you call Michelle before coming here?" Whenever Quinn wasn't around,they referred to her as Michelle.


"Good day, Madam Nicole. It's a pleasure meeting you." Stephen bowed respectfully.


"That doesn't answer my question,young man." Nicole ignored his greeting and returned sharply.


Stephen was confused. Was there any need for her to be so strict towards him?


"I didn't call her. I'm not here to see her but you, Madam Nicole." Stephen remained standing.


He was waiting for her to tell him to sit,but she didn't.


"To see me? Are you worthy of that?" Nicole narrowed her eyes.


Stephen broke out in cold sweat under her cold stare.


If she was giving him cold shoulders right from now, how were they going to have a proper conversation? 


"I'm sorry Madam Nicole if you see it as such. But,I'm here in regards to your daughter." Stephen said nervously.


The way she was looking at him gave him chills.


After the dinner with Quinn, he had decided to meet her mother directly. Maybe if he explained his intentions to her, she may help him persuade her daughter.


After all, Quinn wouldn't disobey her mother would she?


"Michelle? Sit." Nicole gestured him to a seat.


He bowed and sat on the sofa opposite hers.


Nicole clasped her fists and waited for him to speak. She didn't have a good impression of him.


She didn't know why,but she felt he had an ulterior motive.


"Madam Nicole,to be honest...," He began speaking when he was interrupted.


"Go straight to the point,young man." Nicole said sharply.


If it weren't for the fact that her daughter had a good relationship with this man, she wouldn't even spare him a second glance.


Did he have any right to speak with a Stone?


The audacity!


"I like Quinn, Madam Nicole. I wish to date her." Stephen was afraid of her reaction.


He shouldn't have come here... He was now feeling stupid..


"What...did...you...say?" Nicole questioned slowly.


"I said..."


"Forget it, why are you telling me this?" Nicole asked.


Stephen was stumped; couldn't she understand his intentions?


Or,was she deliberately making things difficult for him?


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