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Love With My Billionaire Boss novel Chapter 53

Jealousy and secrets...











Dominick slowly walked down the stairs that led to the underground space. As usual, he scanned his thumbprint, and he walked into the white room.











Bound at a corner was Alexander. His eyes were open, but there was no focus in them. It seemed lifeless...











"How are you. You are fine I know." Dominick chuckled wickedly.











Alexander couldn't respond...











Dominick grabbed a zap and fixed the electric chair.











He cuffed Alexander on the chair, and plugged it.











He then placed the zap on his hand.











'Waaaaaa!!!!......' A zapping sound resounded around as Alexander began shaking uncontrollably on the chair.











"Do some exercise please... It's good for you." Dominick laughed.











Alexander couldn't speak but he could feel pain, and he could hear when someone was speaking.











"You know what? We went to visit your beloved wife today. Her grave is getting more beautiful." Dominick unplugged the cable.











"And guess what? I slapped your precious daughter. Hahaha... The feeling was heavenly." Dominick knelt.











"Soon enough... All you own, will become mine... No one, not even your smart daughter will suspect a thing." 











He got up and walked round Alexander.











"I know, you would love to join your wife, but I can't Grant you that request so soon. Beatrice has to manage the loneliness for now." 











Dominick's laugh was creepy...











"Beatrice would have been alive, but she had been so obstinate. She discovered my secrets, and so, she had to leave this world. But I did well, didn't I? She's peacefully resting now, I'm sure."











Dominick smiled and walked out if the room. As he got to the door, he turned and smirked,











"I will visit you soon, with the news of my victory, Brother." He turned again and left the room.

































I sneered as I headed to my bedroom. The sight of Alexander was enough to make my blood boil...











Torturing him always gave me a sense of pleasure... He deserved to die in fact.











Wondering why we looked alike?











We were twins.... Yes, blood brothers...






















I had always hated Alexander from childhood. Why?











He seemed to be so good at everything. He was versatile...











Our parents always praised him endlessly. But they never seemed to notice, if I did anything commendable.











I was jealous at first, but soon, the jealousy morphed into hatred.











I hated him. I hated he was better than me at everything.. I hated that he was my brother..











What really made me furious and heartbroken was,











My parents willed the conglomerate and plenty properties, leaving me with a little more than nothing.











The partiality was so vivid.











Was there trust in me so little?





From then on, I began hatching my plan of taking over the conglomerate.











It was rightfully mine!











Alexander should blame no one but out parents for what I did...











If they had been more caring towards me, then maybe I would have been more considerate...
















Rita was driving in her car, when she spotted a car tailing her through the rearview mirror.











Her senses became alert... Who could it be?











She was coming back from Alexander's house. It was already late, and although Alexander had asked her to spend the night at his place, she had declined.




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