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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 113

At that point, Tina should've stepped in and stopped everyone, but honestly, Tina was a bit curious about the answer too. She'd seen Mr. Hernandez and Attorney Abraham getting all lovey-dovey more than once. So she just hung back, pretending not to see the chaos unfold.

Julie didn't hesitate in her response, "Our relationship is strictly professional, nothing more. The media's just full of hot air. Mr. Hernandez is a great boss, always standing up for his employees. The media loves to stir the pot, so don't believe everything you hear!"

Julie was dead serious.

Seeing Julie's solemn stance, everyone started to buy into her story.

After all, if Attorney Abraham really was Mr. Hernandez's girlfriend, he wouldn't have her working out of a storeroom, would he? That just didn't add up!

Just when everyone was starting to believe Julie, someone chimed in, "But what about that photo of Mr. Hernandez and Attorney Abraham in the cake shop?"

"What?!" Julie, who hadn't been keeping up with the news, quickly pulled out her phone and opened her news app.

The photo shocked her. It was clearly taken by a shop employee, capturing the moment when Julie almost fell and was caught by Kieran.

The news headline was totally over the top, "Simpo Co.'s CEO and his new squeeze!" "Sources say that when they're alone, they refer to each other as Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez."

What the hell was that all about?

Julie's face was a picture of fury. She turned to everyone and said, "This photo has nothing to do with the lies they're spreading."

"So, Attorney Abraham and Mr. Hernandez aren't...?" Everyone curiously looked at Julie.

Julie shook her head, "Mr. Hernandez was just being nice and helping me out. If he knew the media would twist it like this, he probably wouldn't have been so helpful."

Julie's explanation didn't seem forced. Besides, knowing Julie as they did, they were more inclined to believe there was nothing going on between her and Kieran. Everyone nodded in agreement.

But as that was happening, Julie's phone screen was still on. Her phone buzzed, indicating a new message.

Before Julie even had a chance to read it, someone had already sneakily glanced at her phone. It was a message from Mr. Hernandez to Julie.

"Holy shit!" Everyone gasped at the content of the message, then quickly scattered back to their own seats, pretending to be busy.

As they left, they cast a lingering glance at Julie.

Julie looked bewildered at the sudden change in everyone's expressions, then lowered her gaze to the message that Kieran had sent her.

The message read, “Where is that photo of you fucking me last night?”

She looked at her phone screen in disbelief.

“What the hell was this?” she thought.

Wasn't he supposed to be in a meeting?

Julie held her forehead, feeling helpless, then looked up at everyone's expressions. Everyone was clearly peeking, but the moment Julie looked up, they all pretended to be busy.

Office gossip was such a headache.

Julie angrily reached for her phone, ready to confront Kieran, but just as she was typing her furious response, she received another message from Kieran.

He said, “Damn autocorrect. I meant to type 'forward' but messed up.”

Julie fell silent.

So, the intended message was: Where is that photo that you forwarded to me last night?

But due to an unfortunate autocorrect, it became, “Where is that photo of you fucking me last night?”

Julie's face scrunched up. She looked up at the staff who were pretending to be busy working and wondered if she went over to explain now... would it be too late?

She shouldn't have been so bold last night. When Kieran asked her to upload the photo of their marriage certificate, she grudgingly helped him set up a private album, but instead of uploading their certificate, she uploaded a photo of her and a cute alpaca from the zoo.

Kieran didn't check it last night before going to bed. He probably just found out and was now blaming her.

Karl unexpectedly pushed open the conference room door just as Julie was about to return to the storeroom with her phone to wait for Kieran.

Kieran was leading the way.

Just as Julie was wondering if she should go over, Kieran had already passed by her.

Surprised, Julie turned around, only to see Kieran push open the door to the CEO's office without any expression and walk in.

Karl followed closely behind and closed the office door.

Throughout the entire process, Julie was completely ignored.

Inside the office, Kieran took off his suit jacket and casually threw it aside, then asked Karl, "Did you take care of the task I assigned you last night?"

Karl nodded and said, "The press conference will take place in ten minutes."

"Good." Kieran praised Karl, which was quite rare.

Karl was taken aback.


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