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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 128

In reality, not only was Julie unable to figure Kieran out, even Julien couldn't understand what was going on in Kieran’s mind.

She thought she'd made herself very clear. Even if it was to keep Julie out of the National Security Agency's hands, Kieran should immediately go to Oakhurst and bring Julie back.

Unexpectedly, Kieran just calmly glanced at the expensive watch on his wrist and looked up at Julien, saying, "You can head to the airport now."

"Mr. Hernandez…"

"Julien, get out!" Hayden cut off Julien before she could finish.

Hayden knew Kieran better than she did. He never directly called Julien by her name growing up. He always used his deep voice to call her 'Lien'.

In the end, Julien just said to Kieran, "Mr. Hernandez, I hope you won't regret this."

Watching Julien turn and leave, Hayden finally looked at Kieran and said, "Don't treat my woman like that in the future."

"Has she agreed to be your woman?" Kieran sat on the couch, a slight smile on his lips.

Hayden looked thoughtfully at Kieran, "If Lien wants to go to Oakhurst, I won't stop her."


Karl, who was watching their cold conversation, felt a bit anxious.

Hayden said to Kieran, "Kerry, I know. Since you let Julie go to Oakhurst, you must have absolute confidence in her safety. But… even though her personal safety is guaranteed, I worry she might run into someone she knows in such a strange place, and she might easily develop feelings for that person."

Kieran's deep gaze fell on Hayden's face. Hayden glanced at him meaningfully, then followed Julien towards the door.

Just as Kieran was pondering the hint in Hayden's words, Karl's phone suddenly rang.

After nodding at Kieran, he answered the call and turned to walk out onto the balcony.

A while later, Karl hung up the phone and looked seriously at Kieran.

"What's up?" asked Kieran.

Karl looked at Kieran hesitantly, "Are we sure we're not going to find Mrs. Hernandez?"

The question was obviously unnecessary. Kieran gave Karl a cold look, "No. Let her cool down."

"But Mrs. Hernandez is with Mr. Sanches…" Karl said with great courage. Because as soon as he said the first part, Kieran's face had completely darkened.

About half a minute of silence, Kieran suddenly stood up from the couch, looking coldly at Karl, "Get the car ready!"

Karl immediately turned to prepare the car. He then heard Kieran suddenly say behind him, "Wait. Prepare a rope too!"

Karl was speechless.

Kieran now understood what Hayden had meant earlier. He had already known that Elliot was in Oakhurst! It seemed that Hayden had come prepared today.

Hayden understood Kieran. He knew Kieran wouldn't be threatened by the National Security Agency or Julien, and he wouldn't go to Oakhurst to bring Julie back just because of a simple word from Julien.

If Kieran didn't go to Oakhurst, then Julien would definitely go, and Hayden didn't want Julien to go find Julie in Oakhurst. So, as long as he could get Elliot to appear next to Julie, then the whole situation would have a different outcome…

Hayden had quietly set a trap.

The reason Karl was so nervous to mention this to Kieran was because he feared that this was all Hayden's arrangement.

However, the truth was… Julie and Elliot in Oakhurst really happened to meet each other!

Julie ran into Elliot at Oakhurst Hospital.

When she saw Elliot, Julie thought she was hallucinating.

At that time, Elliot was covered in blood, his white shirt completely dyed red, it was terrifying.

When Julie saw Elliot, bloody and stepping out of the ambulance, her whole body froze…

The hospital entrance was surrounded by the ambulance’s siren.

Although Elliot was covered in blood, he wasn't the one being carried on the stretcher. On the stretcher was a woman with long hair. Her hair was soaked with sweat, sticking to her face, it was horrifying.

After getting out of the ambulance, Elliot frowned and tried to adjust his shirt, seemingly wanting to take it off, but seemingly considering this was a public place, he gave up in the end.

Julie wasn't sure if the man in front of her was Elliot. If it was, why would Elliot, who was supposed to be in Whispering Pines, suddenly appear in Oakhurst? If not, this man must be Elliot's twin, otherwise, how could there be two people in the world that looked so alike? Like a copy-paste job.


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