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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 135

The plane's body bore two names that Julie knew like the back of her hand, "Joyce & Kieran."

Karl stood by Julie's side, keeping her company as she took a moment to take it in. He remembered when Mr. Hernandez named the plane, he chose the combination of the two names without hesitation.

Karl thought Julie would have been touched and would look at it for a while longer, but she acted as if nothing had happened, turning around and walking away as if nothing had happened.

Karl followed her awkwardly. Under the protection of her bodyguard, Julie headed towards a black van.

Julie turned to look at Karl, "Where's Kieran?"

No sooner had the words left her mouth than a voice full of excitement erupted behind her, "Mama Julie! I've missed you so much!!"

Before she knew it, adorable Ivan was running towards her like a little meatball, and then...he wrapped his arms around her slender legs.

After the initial shock, Julie squatted down and affectionately pinched Ivan's tender little face. Even though she hadn't seen him for a few days, she realized how much she missed him.

"Why are you here?" Julie asked.

"Because it's Saturday, no school!" Ivan's serious yet innocent face made Julie give up on asking any further.

Karl opened the car door for Julie and said, "Please wait at Noblewood Retreat for a moment. Mr. Hernandez will be there as soon as he finishes his work to return your things."

Kieran had never intended to give Julie a chance to escape, as there were two muscular bodyguards standing by the car.

Julie eventually got in the car, and the happiest person had to be Ivan. Ivan was sticking to her all the way. The Ivan who used to call her "Mama Julie" now said directly, "Mom, can you take me with you next time you travel?"

"Next time there's a chance, I'll definitely take you. But you have to promise me one condition." Julie reached out and tousled Ivan's hair.

Ivan nodded in agreement, "Okay! What's the condition?"

"If you call me mom, your real mom might not be happy. So...from now on, can you just call me Julie?"

"Mom, what did you say in your last sentence?" Ivan suddenly looked up, asking Julie with an innocent face.

Julie patiently replied, "I said, if you call me mom..."

"No, the sentence before that."

Julie thought for a moment, "Next time there's a chance, I'll definitely take you. But you have to promise me one condition."

"No good." Ivan showed his cute little fangs at Julie.

Ivan's mischievousness, Julie didn't know who he learned it from, but it made her laugh so hard she couldn't say a word. She looked at Ivan, and it took her a while to think of what to say.

Eventually, Ivan said to her, "Mom, you promised me last time that you would marry my dad when it thunders. My teacher told me that no one should lie."

That time, she was just casually saying it to comfort Ivan who was scared of thunder. She didn't expect he would take it seriously.

Julie looked at Ivan helplessly and said, "Your real mom is your dad's ex-wife. Your dad loves her very much. They will definitely remarry, so you will have a mom who loves you very much."

"Who said that? My dad is useless. The last time my dad and my mom lived together, he even kicked me out, but he still couldn't keep my mom!" Even though Ivan was young, it seemed as if he knew everything.

Julie didn't know how to explain to Ivan. She told herself that Ivan will understand when he grows up, and there's no point in explaining too much to him now. As for the name-calling issue, she'll just let him change it slowly over time.

Ivan and Julie returned to Noblewood Retreat together. It had rained in Whispering Pines today.

Ivan was so excited that he slipped and fell on the wet road when he got out of the car.

Ivan was a very clean kid, so as soon as he got home, he rushed into the bathroom. As he ran, he called out to Shannon, "Shannon, bring my clothes in quickly!"

Shannon brought a set of clothes for Ivan with a smile. Julie was sitting in the living room. She couldn't escape from the many bodyguards. Julie took the clothes from Shannon and said, "I'll bring them up to Ivan."

Shannon was delighted to see Julie back at Noblewood Retreat. She didn't know Ivan was Julie's biological son until after Julie and Kieran divorced, so when Julie volunteered to bring Ivan's clothes, Shannon immediately agreed with a big smile.

Shannon didn't ask why Julie had run away from home earlier, she just watched her go upstairs to Ivan's room.

The sound of water was still coming from the bathroom. Julie was holding the clothes in one hand and knocking on the door with the other.

Thinking it was Shannon at the door, Ivan responded cheerfully, "Come in."

Julie pushed the door open and walked in. Ivan saw Julie at the door and thought he was hallucinating. He blinked his big eyes for a long time before he screamed and fell into the bathtub.

Julie thought he had slipped, so she quickly put down the clothes, stepped forward, and lifted him out of the tub.

Ivan was in Julie's arms...

"Mama Julie, close your eyes!" Ivan reached out to cover Julie's eyes.


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