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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 148

Julie looked at Kieran and said, "Honestly, Kieran, you're the first guy I've met who can spout such elegant bullcrap! You let me chase after you because you liked me, but you didn't accept me. So you actually enjoy the process of me pursuing you, right?"

"I was waiting for you to grow up," he calmly said, waiting for Julie's response.

"What do you mean?"

"I was waiting for you to grow up because I don't want you to rush into love. I hope you can get into a good university and achieve your dreams, instead of making me your life goal. I don't want you to look back on the past and only remember that you didn't achieve anything. You should know you're excellent in your own right, and I like you for who you are, not because you like me."

Julie looked at Kieran speechlessly for a few seconds before helplessly responding, "So should I be touched? Should I be moved to tears, thank you, and then repay you?"

"Not rush into anything with you is because I have self-control," he replied.

Julie covered Kieran's mouth with her hand, "So when you were punished by the coach to accompany me running laps, was it also because you had self-control?"

Logically speaking, Kieran was such an excellent student, the coach should have liked him a lot. Why would he make him run laps?

When this was mentioned, Kieran's expression finally showed a hint of discomfort. After hesitating for a moment, he said to Julie, "I said something I shouldn't have said."

"What did you say?" Julie's tone was obviously curious.

What Julie didn't know was that Kieran didn't intend to run laps with her that day. But after the coach punished Julie to run, he turned back, one hand on his waist, pointing at Julie to the other students and said, "Look at her, never proactive, she’s always looking for excuses when there's a bit of difficulty. When she goes out into society, even a dumb donkey will be better than her!"

At that time, Kieran didn't want to interact with the coach, let alone argue with him. But when the coach pointed at Julie and said she was worse than a dumb donkey, he unexpectedly said, "How do you think you're better than a donkey?"

The class instantly gasped, then burst into laughter.

Even if Kieran was excellent and the teacher liked him, he wouldn't tolerate such an insult. So...

Kieran was punished to run laps with Julie.

In the end, Kieran decided to tell Julie about this.

Julie wanted to keep her serious face, but she couldn't help it, the laughter in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

She could already imagine Kieran's serious expression when arguing with the teacher.

After laughing enough, Julie looked at Kieran and said seriously, "Don't blame everything on me, you're the one who said the wrong thing and got punished, it has nothing to do with me!"

She patted him on the shoulder, and then started to talk business with Kieran, "First of all, please stand up, we need to discuss our remarriage. I promise, I won't divorce."

While Kieran was still in shock, Julie used all her strength to push Kieran off her, then quickly ran to the door, grabbed the doorknob, and said to Kieran, "Please don't come closer, just stay where you are! If you take one more step, I'll open this door! I'll say what I need to say as soon as possible, whether or not I get custody of Ivan, I won't leave him."


Kieran really stood still, not approaching Julie.

Julie said, "About the marriage certificate, if you want, you can keep it, I don't need it anymore. After all, we can directly apply for divorce to the court a few years after separation. If you agree, we can go through the legal process."

Kieran stood by the sofa, not responding to Julie.

There was a distance of five or six meters between them.

Julie looked at Kieran seriously, "Being as smart as you, you should know the law that allows for divorce after a period of separation, right?"

Kieran sat on the sofa looking at Julie, not intending to approach her.

Julie relaxed a bit, but her hand was still on the doorknob, she said to Kieran warily, "Please tell me straight, why do you want to remarry me, why choose to remarry me at this time?"

Kieran was too clever, so Julie had to view him from a smarter perspective.

She didn't think about whether he really liked her or not, but she knew that even if Kieran wanted to remarry her, he wouldn't propose it at this time. He could first let her build a relationship with Ivan and then gradually bring up this issue.

Considering her current mood, Kieran tricked her into remarrying, she was already being very nice, not angry with him.

Kieran must understand this, but he still chose to deceive her at this time, Julie believed, he must have his reasons.

Kieran looked at Julie, his eyes filled with a warm smile.

Julie was sometimes very cute, sometimes very smart, irresistibly lovable.


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