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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 153

Shannon left immediately.

Julie walked up to Kieran and asked, "If we're living together legally, do I also have to share the bed with you?"

"If that's what you want, I can oblige," Kieran replied.

Julie called out to Shannon in the kitchen, "Shannon, could you move the beddings to the guest room later?"

Kieran, with a grin, ruffled Julie's hair and yelled towards the kitchen, "Shannon, move the beddings to the study."

Julie watched Kieran walk away, his back looking more mature than she remembered.

After Julie had her bath, Shannon moved all of Julie's luggage to the master bedroom. Then she grabbed some bedding and headed to the study.

Before leaving, Shannon looked back at Julie and said, "You and Mr. Hernandez being together is a blessing. As the saying goes, small quarrels between couples don't affect their love. That's wisdom our ancestors left us. Believe in it."

Julie knew Shannon meant well, so she just smiled and nodded.

Without saying more, Shannon took the bedding and left for the study.

She placed the bedding on the long leather sofa and looked at Kieran with concern, "Mr. Hernandez, should I make the bed in the guest bedroom for you? You must feel terrible not being able to sleep comfortably."

Kieran smiled back, "Has Julie gone to bed?"

"Not yet, she just finished showering."

Kieran sat on the sofa, looking tired, "Shannon, sometimes I wonder if I'm too hard on Julie."

Shannon looked at Kieran, "Mrs. Abraham will understand your predicament. Your love for her will eventually reach her."

"Go rest, goodnight," Kieran said with a smile.

In the end, Julie didn't sleep in Kieran's master bedroom but stayed in her old room. Before going to bed, she took the remote that could turn the two rooms into one from Kieran's room.

In the middle of the night, Julie got up to get some water and noticed the study's light was still on.

For some reason, she gently pushed open the door to the study and found Kieran lying tiredly on the sofa. The blankets had all fallen onto the floor, making him look somewhat similar to Ivan when he slept in the hospital.

Julie approached cautiously, picked up the blanket and covered him.

She sat cross-legged by the sofa and suddenly felt a surge of energy.

Men looked so peaceful when they're asleep. His eyelashes looked particularly long under the warm yellow light, and the shadows accentuated his facial features.

Julie carefully studied his eyelashes, recalling his words.

After all the twists and turns, Julie never thought she'd have a peaceful encounter with him again.

She gently touched his eyelashes and sighed...

How did she end up here?

Julie withdrew her hand, dimmed the room's light, and carefully left.

The moment Julie closed the door, Kieran slowly opened his eyes.

He had a sleepless night.

The next morning, Ivan got up early. The first thing he did was check the master bedroom only to find it empty.

He saw Shannon and excitedly asked, "Shannon, where's mom? Did dad upset her again?"

Shannon gently patted Ivan's head, "Mrs. Abraham is in the guest bedroom, Mr. Hernandez is in the study..."

Before Shannon could finish, Ivan was already running towards the guest bedroom.

Shannon chuckled helplessly. Ivan and Julie's relationship was truly intricate.

"Mom, can you take me to school today?" Ivan gently knocked on the door.

Julie, who had just finished her morning routine, opened the door, bent over to pick Ivan up, and agreed with a smile, "Of course."

She was overjoyed at the chance to live with Ivan and naturally accepted his request.

Ivan happily kissed Julie on the cheek and yelled towards the study, "Dad, are you ready? Mom's coming with you to drop me off at school!"

Julie was a little speechless

Wasn't she supposed to take Ivan to school alone? Why include Kieran?


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